How to use Git in Eclipse(Cloning a respiratory)

–  Prabaharan

1.Open your Gitlab

To copy the URL that you want to clone in your local respiratory.

Go to: Project -> Details

Select “Clone” and under “Clone with HTTPS”press on the “copy URL to clipboard”


2. Open Eclipse

Go to:  Windows -> Preference -> Open Preferences -> Other

‘Open Properties’ window will pop up

Select ‘Git folder’ in that as shown below and press ‘Open’

‘Source Git Repository’ window will pop up

Paste the copied URL in the URL text box under the ‘Location’ tab

Also provide the ‘User ‘ and ‘Password’ for under the ‘Authentication ‘ tab.

Press Next

‘Branch Selection’ window will pop up

Select the respective branch that you need

Press Next

The directory where the repository to be cloned will be shown.

After that select ‘Finish’

Select the folder which you want to import.

Right click on the folder and select ‘Import Projects’ from the dropdown.

This will lead to location of your local directory.

Click ‘Finish’ to complete.