Rain maker

In Udavi, Students have activity class once in a week and some of the children choose STEM land as an activity class. Last Friday we had activity class with 7th and 8th graders. Children wanted to do very interesting project so they thought of a problem that they face in the school. They have gardens in the school and they water the garden daily. But during the holidays one of them had to come the school and water their garden. So they came up with an idea of watering the garden automatically came up with an idea of making a rain maker for their gardens. We learned how a relay works and also about the water solenoid valve. We tested the valves that we had in STEM Land by connecting it to a 12V battery and connected the valve to a water pipe and tested it. Luckily all three valves worked. Then we connected it to the Arduino and programmed a simple blinking program and tested by changing its delay. This Friday we learned to charge the 12V battery using the solar panel and we measured the current that we get from the solar panel. when there was bright sun we got around 0.41 A. Next week children will solder the circuit on the PCB and will implement it on the garden.