Install Alice3 on Ubuntu 18.04


Alice 3 for Ubuntu 18.04

Step 1: Install oracle JDK (download the .deb file from this link  and inside the link select the  file call Java SE 11.0.3 (LTS) for ubuntu 18.04)

Step 2: Set Path

Type this command in terminal:

sudo nano /etc/profile.d/jdk11.r  then give Enter

It will open a vi file there you type the below line in vi file:

export JAVA_HOME=”/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-11.0.3”

export PATH=”$PATH:${JAVA_HOME}/bin”

Press Control+x to exit the file

Step 3: Check JAVA version:

Command: java -version

Step 4: Make the Alice3 file excutable 

Go to that alice directory and type below command

Command: chmod +x filename then give enter

Step 5:Run the file by using ./filename