One of our intern his name is Abilash he is taking electronics class for Deepanam school children. Children come weekly once which is on thursday. Before they are coming Abilash will prepare for the circuit which he is going to take on that day. It was quiet prepared class. He took classes on how to make inverter and how to make charger etc…
I remember we conducted course on basic electronics for in and around auroville youngster. He came for that course and whatever he learnt through that course he is spreading(by teaching).
I was attending electronics class with sanjeev friend sanjay. I felt that the electronics class is for my growth. I am recollecting all my keywords(that I have learnt it during my college) and doing it in practical. I got a such a wonderful place to grow for my self and for others.
I did a basic circuit experiment on diode. I assumed that I knew about diode but when sanjay gave a small circuit I couldn’t find how much current and voltage is flowing in the diode circuit. He gave me everyday assignment. It was a same diode circuit. During my college days when I do experiment at that time only I measure the values(voltage and current) but with sanjay first I do calculation(estimation) then only I do experiment to check with my calculation. I felt happy when my calculation and measured values were very closer. Some snapshots(of my calculation) are here.
The Auroville marathon ’19 took place on Feb 10 it had started early in the morning ~ 5AM for the full marathoners, and by 7 AM the 10 km was about to start and the STEMLand team had gathered near the start line.
From left to right (Arun, Saranya, Sundar, Poovizhi, Ranjith, Sanjeev, Abilash, Pratap, Sandhiya, Logeshwari, Murali)
During the run;
Mission Accomplished;
Some Reflections;
“It was my first AV marathon. 10 km seemed to be a long distance and i thought i won’t make it.But with a couple of days practice in the morning(3.5 km) helped me to complete the whole 10 km. We started at 7.15 AM, The first 2 km I didn’t stop anywhere but later took few breaks as my legs started to cramp. Arun and I ran the whole 10 km together talking to each other and motivating each other that we can make it to the finish line. We both completed the run in 1hr 20mins which was quite impressive as we didn’t practice much and was my first marathon.Finally it was a great experience and i felt really happy that my entire team completed the marathon successfully.”~Murali
(There was a open event organized for all age participants it was a 5 km run/walk, a lot of children had participated in this event)
“Last time I thought that I will complete 10 Km without practicing but I got some allergy so I couldn’t complete. So this time I decided to run 5 km and to complete it. There were lot of small children who were running the 5 km. Before starting I was little hesitate and was afraid to run with the small children. Then I felt I should not compare my self with anyone. Since I have committed to my team that I will run 5 Km and I started my running. I remembered what Sanjeev told about how to run. I kept that in my mind and slowly started running. I didn’t want to stop any where and I was continuously running and I was able to complete in 17 minutes and came 3rd”. ~ Pratap
Mathematics Education and Society 10th International Conference, Hyderabad, India Jan 28th – Feb 2nd, 2019
We went for an International Conference Which happened first time in Asia. It happened in Hyderabad university. The were 160 people from 20 different countries. It was a five day conference. We went to present a paper and a poster. In this conference they a plenary session in which one people will present a p[aper and the other 2 will respond to the presenter. Then 160 were divided into 5 small groups. Each group was about 20 to 25 people. Based on the plenary session from 25 people we again split into small group and discuss about the topic that happened in the plenary session. They also gave change for each group to ask a question. Then gathered in our group and discussed the questions. Among these question we selected a question and asked it to the presenter. The presenters answered the questions. Everyday in the afternoon we had a parallel session on presenting the paper. Paper presentation
Pratap and Poovizhi presented a paper on “factors that influence children attitude towards mathematics”. To read the paper click here.
There were about 55 people for our session and we presented in front of them. Generally it was 10 minutes presentation and 20 minutes for discussion about the paper. But for us we presented for 10 minutes and discussion happened for 40 minutes the paper was well receive by the people. After presenting the paper one of the parent came to us and she wanted her child to admit in our school. That moment we felt that we are doing a big change in the world. Some of them wanted to set-up STEM in their school and they were asking many question about the STEM land school.
Poster Presentation
On the next day Arun presented a poster on Deep learning of mathematics by building projects and we supported him. It was also well received by the people and some wanted to implement our method in their schools.
In our STEM land we have lost 1/8 of fraction piece. We wanted to have permanent solution instaed of having temporary solution so we discussed with our team then we came up with an idea of printing through 3D printer. Naveen taught us how to make the fraction piece by using blender software and also he taught how to print it with 3D printer.
We did the fraction piece together and we printed out by using 3D printer. It was very nice experience and it gave us permanent solution for the issue that we had faced.
During activity period children worked on mindstrom. Children again started using mindstrom also they were back to kapla game. 8th grade children few of them build strong building by using kapla. It was quiet interesting also amazing. They built motor bike.(image is coming soon)
Peer learning:
During activity period 7th grade wanted to work on their scratch projects(They were creating projects according to their plan) so 8th grade wanted to help them.
Also children were back to kapla. They worked individually also in group. They built one nice building by using kapla. I was able to see peer learning was happening with our children.