CSS Basic: I learnt CSS basics and learnt to practice the CSS basic with game flexbox froggy. It was an interesting game. If you need practice on CSS please go through this game https://flexboxfroggy.com/.
CSS Basic: I learnt CSS basics and learnt to practice the CSS basic with game flexbox froggy. It was an interesting game. If you need practice on CSS please go through this game https://flexboxfroggy.com/.
Children in 8th were doing rational numbers and they wanted to build a project to demonstrate their learning . They have build a project in number line. This scratch program shows how to find the fraction in a number line. The numerator is ( a random number is asked from the user. The program chooses a number 0 to 3 x the user number ) and the numerator is also generated randomly (2 – 10). The user needs to find the answer for the question. The user needs to give to a value for numerator and a value for the denominator.
Poovizhi, Murali and Saranya
As explained in the previous blog http://www.auraauro.com/uncategorized/2017-2018-batch-childrens-reflection-on-stem-land/
We did a research on how children use or retain what they learn in STEM land. We conducted a survey in the following methodology
a) a group sharing of the alumni of how each of them are doing and what they have retained and use from their experience at STEM land.
b) This was followed by a review of the intention of each of the 20 questions of the
survey that explored each of these aspects
c) The children then filled out the survey individually
d) Four children who were not able to attend the group sharing filled out just the survey.
The conversation and the responses were analysed to understand what the children have found
special, useful and what continues to be useful and impacts them about STEM land.
This paper records reflections of alumni of STEM land two years after they
graduated from STEM land and pursuing their further studies in other schools. We review if
and how they found their time in STEM land useful and what role their experience in STEM
land continues to play in their lives:
1) If they found their time in STEM land useful and in what way.
2) What they retained and its application in higher education.
3) How interventions at STEM land that made the learning environment different from
what they experienced otherwise at school has shaped their attitude in further studies.
Specifically, we examine:
the freedom to plan their work
peer learning
access to puzzles and strategy and logic games that give a broader perspective of
Mathematics and are joyful
access and use of materials in Mathematics to make abstract ideas concrete
creating projects that provide opportunity to own one’s work
Following is the graph which shows how useful was STEM land for them.
The survey and conversations indicate that children not only learned Mathematical concepts
but also learned skills like programming and logical thinking. The children were left with a
comfort with these areas and all of them took up these subjects in higher education took up
computer science as an elective even those who took up Arts as a stream. They also continued
supporting their peers even in environments that are not entire conducive to peer learning.
The children not only understood what they had learned, but also had clarity in the
development of logical thinking, strategies and multiple methodologies of solving questions.
They also shared that they find a learning environment joyful and they appreciate is one that
gives them responsibility to plan their learning and work and gives them access to resources
and peer learning.
We believe these interventions if introduced as part of Mathematics could support children
taking responsibility of their learning and develop a deeper sense of learning beyond what is
expected in their Mathematics curriculum across India.
We have submitted our paper in epiSTEME8 it is available in the following link.
On Monday children from 8th grade shared their project with 7th grade. The project was based on multiplication. For example 2 shirts and 2 pants with two colour in what way i can wear the shirt and pant. From this I need to look at all the possibilities of colour and dress.
7th Grade children didn’t get what they were saying. Sanjeev gave feedback to Deepak and Mani on their project after getting feedback then and their itself they (Deepak and Mani) explained their project by drawing on the board. 7th grade and 8th grade took notes and their doubts got clarified by Deepak and Mani.
Here is the snapshots:
Solution for Aluminum Caste Plate
On Saturday class with the 4th graders I had taken a session on Origami. We made an origami bird.
To make the bird we needed 15cm x 15cm A4 paper. For that we asked the children to draw a 15cm x 15cm square on their A4 sheet. With the paper cutter we were able to cut the paper as per the requirement.
Then I started demonstrating on how to make the paper bird by giving them instruction for each and every steps.
What I was able to do well:
First, I showed the square and asked what shape it is? They were able to reply that is was a square. Then, I folded the paper into half diagonally and asked what shape it is? They were able to reply that is was a triangle. By this way, I was able to connect shapes while making the origami.
My observation of the class:
The children were able to focus on what they were doing. A few of the folds were a bit confusing for them. But, still they did not give up and they tried to complete the fold. Some of the children were able to complete the folds faster than the others. They did not disturb the others, instead they asked me whether they can help others who were having difficulties in completing the folding. They were able to work as a team.
After completing the origami bird, the children children colored the bird. Each and every person colored the bird differently and were naming the birds.
The children happy and were playing with the birds.
This scratch program shows how to calculate the length of arc given a valid angle (20 to 360) and radius (50 to 200). The value of angle and radius should be given. It requires two input from the user. If the user doesn’t give a valid input it sets a random value for angle and radius.
Pratap & Sundar
The following program demonstrates that the area of a Rhombus is half the area of a rectangle of given dimensions d1 and d2 and how the pieces can be moved around to form it.
~Saranya / Sundar
Forex – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
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Wszystkie, nie tylko najpopularniejsze pary walutowe zobrazowane są w taki sam sposób – pierwsza waluta w parze to waluta bazowa, natomiast drugi człon w parze to waluta kwotowana. W przypadku naszego poprzedniego przykładu – para walutowa EUR/USD, EUR (euro) jest walutą bazową, a tym samym USD (dolar amerykański) jest walutą kwotowaną. Kwotowanie natomiast to ceny par walutowych.
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Factorization program:
First, it will get the coefficient of the equation.
Second, it finds roots equation.
Third, it draws diamond method and gets the factors of equation.