Mathegramming Academy aims to build Responsibility and Rigor in children and generate Results through mentoring and mastery of Mathematics through projects in programming/electronics, and through leadership in action. Mathegramming Academy is a program of C3STREAM Land Designs, Auroville

Philosophies Underlying Mathegramming Academy
The philosophy underlying the approach for C3SLD is based on the principles of progressive and constructivist thinkers like Jerome Bruner, and Seymour Papert in the United States, and Sri Aurobindo in India. The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo of the integral development of the child and emphasizes self-knowledge which the National Education Policy is based on stating “knowledge is a deep-seated treasure and education helps in its manifestation as the perfection which is already within an individual.” The philosophy creates guiding principles as teachers and in how we engage with children.
baby step
training teachers on Mathematics through programming and leadership program .
The three principles of true education by Sri Aurobindo are:
- Nothing can be taught which can be linked to the constructivist theory of not forcing knowledge into a child.
- The mind needs to be consulted in its own growth indicating that the role of a teacher is not to mould or hammer a child into the form desired by the adult. The teacher is a guide, or mentor that supports and encourages a child in the process of learning, enabling them to evolve toward perfection
- From near to far – which is to work from what is tangible and accessible to children to what is abstract to them
These principles guide our work at C3SLD where Mathegramming is codifying the work that has been done with children over the last 10 years.
A session on GeoGebra tools by Mathegramming Academy:
GeoGebra is a free and open-source interactive mathematics software that allows users to create and manipulate mathematical models, graphs, and figures.
Teachers at STEM Land have already been using GeoGebra for some classroom demonstrations, and the Mathegramming Academy presented a session on GeoGebra that would step up their ability to interact and engage with children and create interactive projects and 3D models.
Dharani presented how to create a GeoGebra activity and then a classroom for students to be able to do tasks and for the instructor to be able to observe the progress in real-time. Dharani created a classroom with many activities and then one that let someone work with a GeoGebra sheet. The rest of the session was done in this classroom which allowed everyone to see the progress of individuals signed in.

- Sivashankar presented how to create a circumcentre, circumcircle, incentre, and incircle for a triangle. To move the triangle points and see how the construction refreshes and holds. Also, to add color and character to the projects. on how to create a circumcentre, circumcircle, incentre, and incircle for a triangle.

- Premkumar presented how to create a 11^3as (10+1)^3 visually as a 3D construction with polygon and prism extension.

- Soundariya presented how to create interactive (and randomized) questions and answers and provide input boxes and buttons and respond to the user’s inputs using the if condition.

The session was intense for 1-1/2 hrs and was enjoyable and enlightening.
Breakthrough meeting of Mathegramming Academy
Date: May 20, 2023
Review Integrity
Discussion of new goals and objectives
Blogs and Weekly update Scaling Stemland
Friday Activity Class
Action Plan
Integrity Check
The team had an integrity check in the previous action plan and discussed what went well and what could be improved.
The team agreed that they will hold integrity to make good progress on their goals but could have been more organized and efficient.
New Goals and Objectives
The Mathegramming Academy team is excited to announce our new goals and objectives for the upcoming weeks. We are committed to making modules exploring Geogebra, Scratch, and Electronics.
– Our first goal is to make Mathegramming Academy more accessible to everyone. We want to make it easy for anyone to take support from Mathegramming Academy.
We believe that these new goals will help us to make Mathegramming Academy a valuable asset to rely on for everyone.
We are excited to work towards these goals and look forward to sharing our progress with you.
They agreed that they wanted to focus on increasing their reach and engagement, website development, and developing new and innovative ways to teach math.

Blogs and Weekly Update
As the team members should write a blog at the end of the week about what they learned and worked
Sending weekly updates on time and Weekly team updates would be sent by taking turns.
Accountability in Stem land
In Mathegramming Academy each person has to take responsibility for Stem land.
How to manage stocks, website management, puzzles, News Letters, Videos, Visitor Management, Stem land(fest), etc.
Action Plan
The team agreed to take the following next steps:
- Develop a CFSR for the website
- Pre-presentation on Thursdays for the presentation on Fridays at 11 am.
- Meet daily from 3’o clock to 4’o clock to review daily learnings and progress.
- The team is excited to continue working on its mission to make math more accessible and engaging for everyone.

Design session for Mathegramming Academy:
A design session in radical
transformational leadership is a process of creating a vision for the future and then developing a plan to achieve that vision.
It is a leadership program that supports learning what I deeply care about and aligning it with systems shifts and strategic action.
The Mathegramming Academy attended the session which was held on the 24th and 26th of May.
The design session began with a group of people coming together to share their projects. This was hosted by Dr.Sudharshan from RTL Works. This is followed by a discussion of the challenges that must be overcome to achieve these projects. Once the challenges are identified, the group works together to develop a plan of action.
The action plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. It should also be based on the group’s values and beliefs. Once the plan is in place, the group can begin to implement it. The design session allows the group to come together, share their ideas, and develop a plan for change. The action plan can then be used to guide the group’s efforts and help them achieve their goals
In the session, the Mathegramming team discussed the following with the RTL works by presenting the three templates of architecture for equitable and sustainable change. Dharani from the Mathegramming team presented the templates with the inputs from the rest of the team. The templates are the Conscious full spectrum response model, Respond and realize, and Synergistic operational strategies.
Defining the problem or opportunity. What is the issue that the group is trying to address? What are the opportunities that the group is seeking to exploit?
Identifying the stakeholders. Who are the people who will be affected by the change? What are their needs and interests?
Generated ideas. Made a list of possible solutions to the problem or opportunity.
Evaluated the ideas. Assessed the feasibility and potential impact of each idea.
Chose a course of action. Selected the best idea and develop an implementation plan.
Implementing the plan. Putting the plan into action and monitoring its progress.
Evaluating the results. To assess the impact of the change and make necessary adjustments.

The session was an eye-opener and paved the way to look at different and multiple perspectives of the project. It narrowed the gaps in the project. It was interesting. We thank the RTL workers for their time and feedback. We look forward to being in action.
Mathegramming Academy explores Pygame
Mathegramming Academy explores different platforms of programming every month since it started. First, we worked on scratch programming and later worked on GeoGebra projects.
This month we looked into Python and started doing projects in Pygame implementing mathematical concepts.
We learned basic programming by doing a guided project in the course era and made a pong game.
Pygame is a powerful and popular open-source library that provides functionality for building 2D games and multimedia applications using Python. We explored different simplest installations for using Python coding. We compared the installation time, size, inbuilt modules, and packages, steps involved in the installation, and arrived at the most feasible and operational way of PyCharm as children will be using it for learning .

Once Python is installed, we proceeded with installing Pygame.
We made projects on pong game,squares visualization , fractions and so on.

We still continue to explore Pygame and extend to make projects in it using maths concepts.The journey is fascinating.

Working in Alignment with School Curriculum and School Reopening
As schools begin to reopen, it is important for Mathegramming Academy to work in alignment with the school curriculum.
This will help ensure that students are able to make the most of their learning opportunities and continue to progress academically.
We started with the specific learning goals for the year. This will help us with a better understanding of what your child is expected to learn and how we can help them.
We focused on creating opportunities to practice what they are learning in school. This could involve reading books, doing math problems, or working on maths projects.

It is also important to be supportive of your child’s learning. This means providing them with positive reinforcement and encouragement. It also means being patient and understanding when they are struggling.
Working in alignment with the school curriculum is an important way to support your child’s learning.

Contributions towards Mathegramming Academy can be directed towards:
Auroville Unity Fund With a note for STEM land and mail it to
Dr. Sanjeev Ranganathan, STEM land Udavi School, Auroville, Edayanchavadi, Tamil
Nadu – 605101 (All donations are 100% tax-deductible in India).

Mathegramming Academy aims to build Responsibility and Rigor in children and generate Results through mentoring of Mathematics through projects in programming and leadership in action. In this newsletter, we capture the initiatives that have taken off with the mentoring of teachers and engagement with children in government schools. This is a glimpse of the last two months of what Mathegramming Academy delivered.

Explore math in action with code! Join the Mathegramming Scratch Tournament, where you’ll use Scratch to turn math ideas into interactive wonders. From stories to games, unleash your creativity. No equations, just pure math magic!
Embracing the Future of Education: UGC Faculty training at STEM Land
On July 29th, 2023, the vibrant campus of STEMland welcomed esteemed faculty members from diverse disciplines and various states across India as part of the faculty training program Gurudakshita program. Dr. Sanjeev, the founder of STEMland, warmly received the group and initiated the session with what we as teachers want to manifest in the world along with an engaging presentation on the B.Voc program and the Mathegramming Academy. The B.Voc program blends vocational education with traditional academic courses, providing students with industry-relevant skills and knowledge.
The Mathegramming Academy to combine mathematics and computer programming, enabling students to leverage computational thinking in solving real-world challenges was appreciated for its effectiveness in nurturing critical thinking skills and enhancing problem-solving abilities among students.
The visiting faculty members were from diverse academic backgrounds, representing disciplines such as Management, Physics, Botany, Philosophy, History, and Chemistry. Each of them hailed from different states in India, including Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, and Kerala. The age range of the faculty members was between 35 to 45, a group known for its dynamic energy, professional experience, and open- mindedness to embrace new educational approaches.
The Gurudakshita program emphasizes
interdisciplinary learning, promoting collaboration across different academic domains to implement NEP and encourage youth to become critical thinkers and responsible global citizens.
The faculty members participated in hands-on sessions and discussions during the training program.
They actively shared their experiences, challenges, and aspirations, fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas. This collaborative atmosphere laid the foundation for building a strong network of educators committed to transformative education.

After the training sessions, the faculty members were given a tour of the STEMland campus. They witnessed the implementation of the innovative curriculum, where classrooms were transformed into hubs of creativity and inquiry.They were inspired by the institution’s commitment to providing students with a holistic and cutting-edge education. The experience motivated them to explore new pedagogical approaches and integrate real- world applications into their teaching methods.

The day concluded with a sense of optimism and excitement. insights gained at STEMland, they are bound to catalyze a positive change in the lives of their students and the broader community.
Mathegramming Academy trains Vaasavi international school teachers
Vaasavi International School is a private CBSE school in Puducherry that offers a holistic education. The school has been selected to be a model school in Pondicherry for implementing NEP. The school is committed to using technology to enhance learning which is where we are supporting them. .
Mathegramming Academy and Vaasavi International School have partnered first to provide training for teachers The partnership is focussing on using technology for children to program and make mathematics (and sciences) learning engaging and effective . Our learning modules synthesize the technical development of a teacher along with developing competence and supporting inner capacity with RTL (Radical Transformational Leadership) tools. This is because skill in itself is insufficient to create meaningful and sustainable change in society.

Mathegramming Academy recently conducted the first teaching training session for teachers at Vaasavi International School on 13th June 2023. The Mathegramming Academy team with support from C3STREAM Land Designs (C3SLD) seniors who visited the school and presented a session on the RTL tool Stand and Fear and a brief explanation about the upcoming sessions. The session focused on how to use technology to enhance math learning.
A short video on what C3SLD has been doing in the last 10 yrs which is being codified in Mathegramming Academy was shared as an introduction.
The partnership is expected to benefit both Mathegramming Academy and Vaasavi International School. For Mathegramming Academy this offers an opportunity to reach out to 320 children (initial target from 6th-8th grade) and in time the remaining teachers who are currently getting trained as well.
Vaasavi International School will be able to offer its students a more radical approach to learning. The partnership is a significant step forward for both Mathegramming Academy and Vaasavi International School and a sign of their commitment to using technology to enhance math and science learning. Mathegramming Academy recently conducted the first teaching training session for teachers at Vaasavi International School on 13th June 2023. The Mathegramming Academy team with support from C3STREAM Land Designs (C3SLD) seniors who visited the school and presented a session on the RTL tool Stand and Fear and a brief explanation about the upcoming sessions. The session focused on how to use technology to enhance math learning.
A short video on what C3SLD has been doing in the last 10 yrs which is being codified in Mathegramming Academy was shared as an introduction.

The training then was led by Mathegramming Academy’s founder, Dr. Sanjeev. During the training session, Sanjeev delivered on sourcing one’s universal values to lead a transformation. Each teacher shared what they deeply care about. Sandhiya from C3SLD presented our socialized fear and how to transcend this fear to do something new followed by insights (what I learned about myself). Sanjeev and Sandhiya processed insights. Sanjeev also explained how Mathegramming Academy can help students visualize math concepts, solve problems more effectively, and develop critical thinking skills by training teachers

The teachers at Vaasavi International School were deeply influenced by the training and shared their insights on discovering the qualities they stand for and want to see in children. They also appreciated the opportunity to learn about new ways to use technology in math learning. They are excited to use the skills they learned in the training session to create more engaging and effective math lessons for their students.
Mathegramming Academy is looking forward to being in action. We have so far conducted 4 training programs with the teachers.
Igniting Minds through Innovative STEM- Centric Sessions in Edayanchavadi and Bommayarpalayam Government Schools
When looking at location action Mathegramming Academy embarked on a remarkable journey with the government schools located in Edayanchavadi and Bommayarpalayam. These training sessions were directly with children aimed to equip students with the tools and techniques needed to create engaging and impactful learning experiences.

The training sessions for Government School Edayanchavadi are slated for every Friday, while sessions for Government School Bommayarpalayam are scheduled every Monday. Each training session spans a duration of 2 hours. Among the highlights were explorations into STEM education, ground rules, and explocation based learning using GeoGebra.
The training sessions started with an introduction to STEMland and our goal of supporting children’s creativity and critical thinking and for meaningful learning experiences.

We shared the ground rules of STEMland – respect yourself, respect others and respect the materials. These guidelines foster a collaborative and supportive environment to learn. This initial step set the tone for a productive and engaging training experience and learn from one another.
One of the highlights of the training sessions was the introduction to GeoGebra – a versatile mathematical software that allows for discovery learning and create interactive visualizations and simulations

Through hands-on activities, teachers and students discovered how GeoGebra could be integrated in their learning, transforming abstract concepts into tangible visualizations. Exploring the Sum of Interior Angles of a Triangle was something that children could see and then explore noticing that no matter how a triangle was drawn the sum of the interior angles always added up to 180 degrees.
The utilization of GeoGebra not only demystified mathematical concepts but also kindled a passion for exploration and discovery among young minds.
Mathegramming Academy’s teacher and children training sessions in Edayanchavadi and Bommayarpalayam illuminated a path
toward a brighter future for
education. As we celebrate this
remarkable endeavor, we continue to champion
innovative approaches in education, especially for those who do not have access
to it.
approach not only makes mathematics more engaging
but also helps students internalize abstract
concepts by visualizing them through code.
It also allows children to share something concrete
to their peers adding a sense of responsibility to their learning. These presentations also act as a way to revisit a concept
or get an introduction to a new concept (across
Empowering Students Through Mathegramming Academy: A Journey of Learning at Isai ambalam and Udavi School
Mathegramming Academy, a unique blend of visual mathematics and programming is looking to ground its learning locally. Students in Isai ambalam School and Udavi School are looking to create projects that help them deepen their understanding of the topics taken up in their classes. A couple of children in each grade took up the challenge each time to create projects for a topic by putting in a little more time practicing at home and using the time in the school to do projects.Z

This approach not only makes mathematics more engaging but also helps students internalize abstract concepts by visualizing them through code. It also allows children to share something concrete to their peers adding a sense of responsibility to their learning. These presentations also act as a way to revisit a concept or get an introduction to a new concept (across grades).

The students who took up projects found that it challenged them and made them think creatively, needing to experiment with different approaches and come up with their solutions.
This approach not only enhances problem- solving skills but also gives a sense of confidence and accomplishment.
This is creating projects and children who are championing new approaches to education.

Gist of further sessions at Vaasavi International School
Mathegramming Academy continued to engage with the teachers of Vaasavi International School to support them learn and design a program that will work for their school. The third week delved into reflections on system principles, Mathegramming project demos, algebraic tiles, and designing classes with Conscious full System Response (CFSR).
Reflections on System Principles:
Educators reflected on their understanding of how components within a system interact and influence each other. Teachers learned how to apply the principles of systems and culture in their classrooms, considering the dynamics between students, curriculum, and teaching methods. By incorporating system thinking into their teaching approach, instructors can develop more holistic and effective educational strategies.
Mathegramming Project Demos:D
One of the highlights of this session was the demonstration of Mathegramming projects by the term based requests that the teachers had brought up in the previous sessions. The team showcased interactive projects that demonstrated complex mathematical concepts and science topics through fun and engaging scratch programs. It sparked excitement among the educators as they realized the potential of integrating technology into their lessons to enhance student’s learning experiences.

Introduction to Algebraic Tiles:
Algebra can be a challenging subject for students, but the training session introduced a powerful tool for teaching algebraic concepts: algebraic tiles. Educators were given hands-on experience in using algebraic tiles to demonstrate factorization, forming equations, and exploring algebraic identities. The teachers felt that the tactile nature of algebraic tiles helps students visualize abstract algebraic expressions, making the learning process more accessible and enjoyable.

Designing Classes using Conscious Full System Response (CFSR): CFSR, an emerging teaching methodology, emphasizes creating a response that addresses immediate needs, systemic shifts required as well as fostering inner capacity.
Teachers were guided on how to design their classes by considering the needs, interests, and learning styles of their students. The CFSR approach encourages teachers to be adaptable, intuitive, and empathetic in their interactions with students. This fosters a positive and inclusive learning atmosphere that encourages active participation and academic growth.
The teacher training sessions at Vaasavi International School were an enriching and empowering experience for all participants. As educators, they discovered new and innovative ways to inspire and educate their students effectively. The insights gained from the sessions on system principles, Mathegramming, algebraic tiles, and CFSR will undoubtedly impact their teaching practices positively.