Technology in Mathematics-MTA-2019


I went for Mathematics Teachers’ Association (MTA) conference @Mumbai. There I was curious to attend the workshop about technology in mathematics. Initially they asked us to install geogebra classic 5. They taught us to use all the options which was available inthe geogebra.  We started with polygon then we kept on working on that.  One thing I learnt new that is trace on and annimation on. We have to plot two points in the geogebra then we have to turn on trace on(to draw in mannual). After that we turned on annimation on(It will automatically take the radius of that two point and then it will draw). This was interestion for to indicate something with the colour.

In our STEM land already children were familer about the geogebra software. They did lot of projects by using geogebra. I was proud to say our children were familer with these things.

Also they taught excel formula’s for sum, random etc…