In STEMland we give freedom to children to choose their plan on their own. Using the software children choose their plan for a week and they will work according to their plan. We build a software for children to track their progress. The software which we built was having small issues on uploading data also we did it manually, so we wanted to do it automatically. We got suggestion from our team and children. It took 4 months to complete the new school software.

We had a session with 9th Grade on New school software. Children said it was more comfortable than the old software.

7th Grade children are new to STEM land, so we wanted them to start from Scratch. We explained what is STEM land and ground rules of STEMland. Sundar and Logeshwari started the Scratch course and I supported them to organize the laptops in STEMland. There were five groups. In each group they gave one task. 6 Children from 7th Grade choose to come at during their activity period also. During the activity period they were doing their scratch project eagerly and I supported them to complete their task.