Fixing the 3D printer in STEMLand

The 3D printer in Stemland was not printing the model at the centre of the plate. It started to print the models at the corner of the plate. When I looked, I found that the trigger switch that was to locate the x-location was broken. So, I had bought a new trigger switch to replace the broken switch.

Pranavraj from 8th grade was working on the proof of the area of parallelogram is equal to the area of rectangle with same base and height. He wanted to create a 3D printed model for that. I supported him in creating the model using blender. Then as the 3D printer was broken he was not able to print the model. He helped me in replacing the trigger switch. Then we replaced the trigger switch. The new trigger switch is not able to get triggered when it hits the screw for the x location. This needs to be debugged.