~ Jayabharathy, Poonguzhali, Tamilarasan, Sandhiya Bala, Kugan, Duraisamy, Poovizhi
RTL session was conducted for the B.Voc students on 14th and 21st of September. 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students took part in it. It was conducted in Tamil. It was the first time the first years were attending the session. The session on 14th started with few minutes of meditation followed by ground rules. The Tamil PCs came up with tools like stand and feart, four profiles, deep listening and commitment for action behind complaints on the same day. Though it was something new for the first years, they participated actively by sharing their insights in the plenary.
One of the students said that he noticed that the values and fear that he recognized during the activity was not something new to him. He said, it was already present within him and RTL helped him to bring it out which he has not been giving much importance to before. Again, one of the first-year student shared in the plenary that he doesn’t like when someone does distracted listening when he speaks. So, he made a commitment that he will also not do distracted listening thereafter.
The session continued again on 21st as well during which tools like Systems principles (story of stuff film), Architecture for Equitable Change: Partial & Conscious-Full Spectrum Response Model, Emotional reaction Vs Courageous heart response and Realise & Respond were handled by the PCs. The designing of project using the CFSR sheet helped the participants to notice the shifts they can bring out by finding solutions to the issues that lie around them. Students eagerly discussed their own examples of when they acted from their emotional reaction and how they could have transformed it to be better if they had used courageous heart response. The session as a whole provided a gateway for the first-year students to get exposed to RTL and to mingle with people around them. The session helped the other participants to learn the tools again with a fresher’s mindset and to reframe their projects with their new learnings.
My name is Jayabharathy. I stand for care and courage for myself and for others. As usual I participated in the RTL session with a beginner’s mind. I was taking part as a table anchor (English PC). The first session was a little challenging for me. I found it interesting to bring out the values and stand of students. It wasn’t that easy as it was the first time the first years were attending RTL. Few members of the team initially seemed to be not interested. When I talked to them, I noticed that they had a pre assumption that it will be like one of their subject classes where they will be simply asked to not down concepts and study. As the session proceeded, they understood that it was something related to their self-realization. I could notice increased keenness sometime later as they shared their examples within the group and insights in the plenary. As a PC, motivating the participants to share their insights in the plenary was enthusiastic too. I managed to provide enough suggestions and motivation to ask them to share their thoughts in front of others. When thy were hesitant to go in front of others and speak, I was able to relate their actions to the fear that they said. I asked them to overcome by using the tool that they just learnt and it worked out well. Since they were a new batch, they did not know each other much. By participating in the session, the students who already took turn and shared insights started motivating others who were neglecting to share. I was able to notice the team work and interdependence among the students. It was a great opportunity for me to mingle with the students and to learn along with them.

My name is Poonguzhali. I stand for courage for myself and others. These RTL sessions helped me to look at myself deeply and reflect on it. I saw the RTL program as both a personal transformation and a team-building program. I coordinated the RTL session this time. It was a very unique experience for me and it helped me to overcome my fear of presenting in front of others. I felt that it was a fulfilling activity. The B.Voc students actively participated and shared their reflections on stage. I noticed courage as not the absence of fear but the ability to act despite it.
My name is Tamil. I stand for courage and compassion, for myself and others. My reflection on the B-Voc RTL session is that I feel glad the students are learning RTL. During these sessions, students faced many challenges with their stand. It’s very helpful for them, as it allows them to make better decisions. Additionally, they have learned to listen deeply to others’ conversations, which is an important skill. While practicing tools, students are collaborating with each other, which helps build healthy relationships.
My name is SandhiyaBala and I deeply care about courage, care and happiness for myself and others. I noticed that stepping up to work in the comfortable zone is an uncomfortable zone. I learnt to step up to support others. I learnt to process insight from others

The sessions were engaging and provided valuable insights. The students displayed a keen interest and actively participated in discussions, which enriched the learning experience for everyone involved.
My name is Duraisamy Pandurangan I deeply care about dignity, wisdom, and the freedom of myself and others. While session with children and youth, I see that they bring valuable insights about the world around them. These insights can lead to positive changes in society and help build a sustainable environment that fosters a better world for all.
I got an opportunity to deliver couple of tools and supported my team mates in delivering the tools. The session went really well. Some times I found the insights and question for clarities to be processed as challenging but I learnt it. One of my colleague who has done this workshop earlier has come and told me that only this time she got clarity between partial and full spectrum response. The session was both in Tamil and English so there was no language barrier and students shared their insights without hesitation.
Praveen Kumar – 3rd year student:
I leant to notice my values and fear. I learnt a new way of introducing myself. Each time, when I introduce myself in the manner I learnt, it reminds me of who I am. I learnt how to take complaints in a way that it helps me to grow. I also learnt to act from my universal values to know my full potential.
Vishal K – 2nd year student:
Though I have attended more than two sessions of RTL, this session seemed to be new to me. The session was in Tamil, which was very different from the previous sessions that I attended. It helped me to understand better and take part in it actively.
Ayushjena – 2nd year student:
I noticed that my learnings are the steps for bringing in improvements in my life. I noticed that acting from my emotional reaction leads to mental disturbance and I can transcend the situation through courageous heart response.