We have a team building session where everyone comes together to look at their leadership ability – leadership means “my ability to create new future grounded on universal values”. These RTL sessions helps to look at oneself within deeper and reflect on it. We see RTL program as both personal transformation and a team building program. Initially we were very small team in numbers now we have become a larger team that is working on more and more diverse and high end tech areas. We started working in more and more silos, but this RTL session help to break silos.
The onsite session we are having are easier to engage with other participants as compared to online, but the hybrid model allowed us to learn from the insights and experiences from people around the country.
Saranya: During these sessions I was able to reflect on my actions and noticed where all I need to retain or improve as a person. I learnt that there are multiple ways of saying no and when I decline the requests from others it moves things forward helps them find other ways to get things done.
Elam: I was able to notice that when I am grounded I am being more and more calm inside and I am not stuck. I am able to move forward with the work I do.
Poonguzhali: During the RTL sessions I gained more confidence about my project. When I filled out the SOS (Synergistic Operational strategic) template I saw what I needed to put in place to make it successful. I reflected on my own integrity, this awareness helped me to check alignment with my universal values. I also learned to move from overwhelm into courageous action based on my universal values.
Arunkumar: Reflecting on my past events helped me learn how I could have handled a difficult situation differently in the past from my universal values. I was able to notice the granularity I missed in my project. In SOS I was able to notice that I need to foster an enabling environment for the change I wish to see. In discernment and judgement, I was able to notice that I had reacted in situations and, judged people when I stilled myself and aligned with my universal values I was able to discerned and see things as they are.
Dancing thought breaks were unique and it helped me to overcome my fear of dancing in-front of others and it was a fulfilled activity. The students of the B.Voc program who also participated and also shared their reflections on stage (I noticed courage, not the absence of fear but the ability to act in spite of it).