Rajesh, Sri Bhavani, Narmadha
A few of us stem teachers had a session with Arulvazhi school students coming for the first time to STEM Land.
A few reflections from the session
Rajesh: What I learned from that was that not all get an opportunity to learn in a new and different way that is actually very much more efficient than the system that is generally practiced in school. Getting an opportunity to teach in that new system that STEM Land has is life-enhancing for me as well as the students. I also feel grateful to the organization I am part of.
Sri Bhavani: From the session with Arulvazhi school children, I noticed that children were very excited for learning new things. I see the rigor in children to learn new puzzles. It helps them to think and widen their knowledge. They got an exposure to know, there are many tools that are available to visualize math concepts. The session went well with electronics, big shot camera, solving cubes, learning new games, etc
Narmadha: My name is Narmadha. I stand for equality and happiness for myself and others. When the children visited Stemland, we began with ground rules: “Respect myself, respect others, and respect materials”. The session went well, and the children were enthusiastic to learn new things as they explored STEM Land. What I learned from them is I should stretch myself to learn new things and be curious about learning, and I will apply these in my life.
Students’ insights:
In the beginning, we felt that we were in a place that had technical materials that would be difficult to handle and learn. But we felt connected to the teachers here and they explained in such a way that it was so clear and easy.
When I was doing robotics on my own and made it work, it was so encouraging for me. I am becoming more confident in myself.