SAIIER Annual report 2024 – STEM land

~ Poovizhi

Reporting period: 2023-24

This form is for reporting on the activities of a SAIIER Sub-unit over the last financial year. Please use as much space as you need for the report.

Please submit this report to SAIIER by April 30, 2024. For any questions or clarifications, please write to

1. Name of sub-unit: STEM Land (formerly Aura Auro Design)

2. Sub-unit executives: Sanjeev Ranganathan, Muralidharan, Vasanthraj

3. Report writer: Poovizhi.P

4. Introduction:

A few sentences. Why does the sub-unit exist, what are its aims? Were there any special goals this year?

STEM Land is a learning organization providing resources for anyone willing to learn in the fields of Science, Technology, Mathematics, Technology and English. The aim of the organization is to develop responsibility, equality and courage to create.

This year we started Mathegramming Academy to standardize the process of codifying STEM land. Worked with multiple schools Vasavi and government schools in the bio region. Conducted Hackathon event. Created Just In Time website to support teachers with math resources. We initiated Math intuition classes for children in the evenings where they discovered new patterns and logic and not just focus on answers. The team participated in the Inetegral Education workshop conducted in Auroville. We have partnership and collaborated with multiple schools.

We continued to support leadership working and training through being practitioner coaches for RTL (Radical Transformational Leadership) program to support individual and collective growth in Auroville and beyond.

5. Enrollment/beneficiaries:

For schools: number of students in each grade.

For other sub-units: who were the beneficiaries and how many people participated?

We work intensively with Isai Ambalam School and Udavi school

Around 10 youth have enrolled for BNB Shifu program which started in 2021.

We generally work with around 400 children across the schools either though our own Centers or supporting centers at Thamarai, Vasavi, Government schools in bioregion.

15 students have enrolled for B.Voc programme

87 students participated in the Mathegramming Hackathon tournament.

6. Activities of the year:

In general and/or highlights. Who, what, when…

Mathegramming Academy:

Mathegramming Academy aims to build Responsibility and Rigor in children and generate Results through Online mentoring of Mathematics through projects in programming, electronics, and through leadership in action. It is a unique blend of visual mathematics and programming. This approach not only makes mathematics more engaging but also helps students internalize abstract concepts by visualizing them through code. It also allows children to share something concrete with their peers adding a sense of responsibility to their learning, enhancing problem solving skills, and gives confidence and a sense of accomplishment. The team works towards the following shifts:

  1. Mediocracy to excellence
  2. From rote learning of concepts to looking at visualization of the concepts and encouraging critical thinking.
  3. From Disempowering isms like classism, groupism, and genderism to a creative space.

They also conducted sessions for STEM land teachers on Geogebra that would step up their ability to interact and engage with children.

Hackathon tournament:

The Mathegramming team organized Hackathon tournament to foster creativity and learning. 94 students from 6th to 9th grade enrolled in this tournament from different schools in and around Auroville. On the day of the event, 87 students came. In addition, many youth and children who had been exposed to STEM land in the past including our B.Voc students volunteered as mentors to support each team. The session started by the enquiry of sourcing our inner capacities followed by introduction to the modules created by the Mathegramming academy which could make children code faster. We invited Judges from various organizations- Lopa from Ashram, Sanjay, Pratap, Vasanthraj, and Duraiswamy from C3StreamLand Designs, ShankarDevi from Thalam, Julian from Vaasavi International School, Arun from Aura semiconductor, Bridget from Thamarai, Bharani from AIAT and Chitralekha from Pondicherry University. It was enriching to see that we had reached out to so many children/youth in the past who were enthusiastic to support others learn. There was an equal mix of boys and girls at the hackathon and they all worked with each other harmoniously. The tournament showcased the values of equality, responsibility, and the courage to create. It demonstrated the transition from individual to group learning, with strong communication between mentors and mentees. The exchange of ideas between different age groups was a testament to the Academy’s commitment to holistic learning. It was heartening to see the breaking of barriers and the shift from silos thinking to interdependence.

Hackathon workshop on Electronics:

The Mathegramming team wanted Children to connect electronics to the world around them and they will relate Electronics to the Mathematics they have been learning. was set up to encourage creativity and learning at every stage. We conducted the workshop for around 40 children and the children were from different schools. Our team mixed the children from different schools. So that children got different perspectives, encouraging working together, increased their communicative skills. We introduced concepts such as batteries, resistors, LEDs, variable resistors, capacitors, and their symbols, enabling students to draw circuit diagrams. We also demonstrated how the sensor (LDR) works, and students provided different perspectives on how to incorporate LDRs into their circuits. We explained capacitors as being like buckets, where the battery acts as a reservoir of charge. Students learned that capacitors with higher capacity can hold more charge. They observed the capacitor’s functionality by charging it using the battery and discharging it through the LED. Children were also given some challenges on which worked in teams.

Partnering and collaborating with multiple schools:

  1. Vaasavi International School

Mathegramming Academy and Vaasavi International School have partnered to enhance math learning for students. The partnership focused on using technology to create more engaging and interactive math lessons. Our learning modules synthesize the technical development of a teacher along with developing competence and supporting inner capacity with RTL (Radical Transformational Leadership) tools. This is because skill in itself is insufficient to create meaningful and sustainable change in society.

Vaasavi International School is a private CBSE school in Puducherry that offers a holistic education. The school has been selected to be a model school in Pondicherry for implementing NEP and this is where we are supporting them. For Mathegramming Academy reached out to 160 children in 7th grade. Vaasavi International School will be able to offer its students more engaging and interactive math lessons. The partnership is a significant step forward for both Mathegramming Academy and Vaasavi International School and a sign of their commitment to using technology to enhance math and science learning.

  • Government schools located in Edayanchavadi and Bommayarpalayam

Mathegramming Academy organized sessions in government schools located in Edayanchavadi and Bommayarpalayam. These training sessions aimed to equip students with the tools and techniques needed to create engaging and impactful learning experiences. Mathegramming Academy’s teacher and children training sessions in Edayanchavadi and Bommayarpalayam illuminated a path toward a brighter future for education. As we celebrate this remarkable endeavor, we continue to champion innovative approaches in education especially for those who do not have access to it.

  • Arulvazhi school

STEM land teachers had a session with Arulvazhi school students who came for the first time to STEM Land.

Students’ insights after the session at STEM land:

          “In the beginning, we felt that we were in a place that had technical materials that would be difficult to handle and learn. But we felt connected to the teachers here and they explained in such a way that it was so clear and easy.”

          “When I was doing robotics on my own and made it work, it was so encouraging for me. I am becoming more confident in myself.”

  • Smart vacuum cleaner with a child from Study International school

A child from the 7th grade from Study international school has come to STEM Land for making a vacuum cleaner robot as part of her school project and she wanted to make it by her own with some guidance from STEM land. At the beginning her parents were told to buy the required components for the project then Shivashankar a member of Mathegramming Academy has volunteered to help that student in the project and were able complete it. The vacuum cleaner robot project clearly shows that learning can be fun and creative and also interactive. The girl and her family were also happy after completing the project it also created a space for co-creation and we hope her project will also inspire other children to make one on their own and we hope it will make a great impact on Mathegramming and also in children lives by adding values to learning and application of that learning in life.

Just In Time Website:

We created a website called Just In Time (JIT) teacher – that supports teachers on new ways of looking at concepts and projects and activities with it. It contains projects and videos based on specific mathematical topics that support teachers to teach and introduce mathematical concepts visually and logically. Users can search for topics or even by grade level.

Yoga :

At STEM land we embrace unending education and constant progress. Auroville brings many opportunities for this. For the commencement of the Auroville festival in 2024, the Yoga gathering happened at Matrimandir Amphitheater, Auroville, from Feb 22 to Feb 26. From STEMland, a few teachers attended the Yoga session along with students from Udavi and Isai Ambalam schools. There were also children from other schools.

Every Saturday, our group from STEM land, goes to the Matrimandir amphitheater for yoga with around 150 children. We had also experienced a special sound healing yoga session conducted by Mr. Balu, an executive from Mohanam, with guidance from Muthukumari and her team.

Radical Transformational Leadership:

We have a team building session where everyone comes together to look at their leadership ability – leadership means “my ability to create new future grounded on universal values”. These RTL sessions helps to look at oneself within deeper and reflect on it. We see RTL program as both personal transformation and a team building program.

RTL for B.VOC and family members:

C3stemland organized a radical transformation leadership program in Tamil at Auroville SAIIER conference hall. It was a one-day program in Tamil, facilitated by Srilatha Juva, Professor at TISS. B.VOC students and teachers, SAIIER staffs, employees, volunteers and their family members were invited for the program. The primary objective of the program was to help participants identify their stand, fear, four profiles and gain a deeper understanding of their background conversations, system principles, and design from universal values. By participating in these sessions, participants were able to develop a new project that addressed their problem statement, focusing on self-growth or social issues, and using their potential to bring about positive change in themselves and their communities. Around 55 people took part of the program.

Poster presentation at International Commission on Mathematical Instruction conference:

The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) symposium is a major international conference that brings together mathematicians, mathematics educators, and researchers from around the world to discuss current issues and challenges in mathematics education.

Out team presented a poster presentation on how the Isai Ambalam School in India used cultural celebrations and festivals to promote universal values and environmental consciousness among its students. The research methodology employed the theoretical framework of interrupting disempowering ISMs (rigid and disempowering mindsets) and the wisdom profile that embodies universal values to address all ISMs simultaneously. The philosophy underlying the C3STREAM Land is based on the progressive and constructivist thinkers such as Bruner, Papert, and Sri Aurobindo, who emphasized self-knowledge and integral development. The interventions discussed in the poster include Aadi festival and garden, Maavoli, Christmas decoration and fair, and Pongal, which provided opportunities for students to learn about different topics, such as monsoons, environmentally conscious alternatives, and traditional games, and encouraged higher-order thinking skills. Overall, the poster emphasizes the importance of collective effort beyond silos of subject learning to promote universal values and create empowering narratives through festivals and celebrations.

Session on Data Privacy for Udavi  School teachers:

C3streamland organized a session on Data privacy for the teachers of Udavi School and STEMland. Dr. Sanjeev Ranganathan briefed on data privacy and some of the ways by which our personal data can be protected. As we teachers handle children, we must be aware of ourselves and educate children.

Sanjeev discussed the applications of Artificial intelligence and the intended and unintended consequences of technology. He also briefed on how to transcend it by self-awareness. The policies on data protection and the strong need to have data protection policies were also discussed. As a part of self-awareness, a few smart ways to have personal data protected by ourselves were discussed. Some of them are noticing our engagement with phones by turning on the digital well-being in the smartphones, turning off unwanted notifications, not just randomly accepting without even going through the privacy policies, cookies management, and software to protect passwords.

7. Outcomes:

What was created; how did participants benefit?

Mathegramming academy – Creates modules in Scratch to support children program faster and visualize mathematics. We were able to partner with Vaasavi school, collaborate with government schools in Edaiyanchavady and Bomayarpalayam and Arulvazhi school. Conduct tournaments and workshops for children to learn mathematics through programming and electronics while connecting with real life challenges from the space of their universal values.

At the same time codify STEM land and create Just In Time teacher support website.

8. Research highlights:

Please describe anything done in the last year which was especially research-oriented or innovative. What did you find out, and will you take it further?

Breaking Silos Through STREAM Education And Using The Wisdom Profile To Engage With Culture,  March 2023

We found out the importance of collective effort beyond silos of subject learning to promote universal values and create empowering narratives through festivals and celebrations.

9. Reflections:

What was most meaningful this year? What was challenging and what was learned?


When working with my team, I deliver my project at the correct time. But sometimes I am out of integrity. So, I want to fill the gaps with my universal values and plan my time before doing. While working with the team I felt creative thinking about different forms of support, generosity, and how to collaborate. It makes finding new ways to create positive changes in my project and life. When I was at my full potential, I noticed that I accomplished the things I planned to do. It also helped me to observe that when I work effectively, I can progress. It makes me find new ways to create positive changes in my project. When I work with my team, I feel creative thinking about various ways to support and collaborate. This helps me come up with new ideas for my project, and it makes learning programming easier. I noticed my integrity I felt happy and light but I am out of integrity I thought about how to narrow the gap with my universal values. Before starting a project, I try to understand how I can make it better. I talk to my team and listen to what they say. This helped me to make the project successful and also I learned how to acknowledge others with my universal values.


My name is Premkumar I deeply care about courage and equality for myself and others. From the past one year I reflect on myself I learnt that I can also be part of children growth and I can help them to be at their full potential and as well as I also grow as an individual and it helps me to organize myself better. The most beautiful thing in working with children is that it is always interesting and something fresh so it always motivated me to be a better version of myself. I am grateful for the opportunities that I got to improve myself and help others to improve their lives as well.


            Before joining stem land, I never looked at whether I’m in integrity or out of integrity in what I’m doing. Now each day I’m reflecting whether I’m in integrity or not. And also, I’m speaking out when ever needed. I’ve learnt a lot about myself. One important insight is that challenges are opportunities to learn and grow my ability. When I face difficult in task, it pushes me to figure things out and become better at what I do. I’ve also realized the importance of feedback. Constructive feedback helps me see the areas where I can grow and do things better. And I’ve learnt that it’s good to keep learning new things. It’s not only helps me to grow my ability and also helps me to adapt to the new things. And also, I learnt that everyone will have some fear in their life. What more important is I have to be courage and work from my stand. Now a days even if I have fear, I’m working from my universal values. Instead of thinking about what will go wrong, I’m giving my best. I get to learn something new that I never learnt before. Even something I know; I learnt it again in different method. Whenever I learn new thing, I feel accomplished and I feel like it’s a stepping stone for me to grow. Last year I get to work lot with children, when I teach them math concept in different ways, I had been working patiently with them, trying different approaches to explain the idea. And when they understood the concept, it’s makes me happy and proud because it showed that the work, I do with children can make a big difference in their learning.


            Noticing my gaps when things were not move forward by sourcing my universal values, I can narrow the gaps and I see the alignment when things move forward. Noticing when I am in integrity and out of integrity helps me to ask a clear committed request and with that I can give my committed request. In some cases, working as a team brought me solution quicker instead of overthinking by myself. Allocating time for myself helped me to improve my mental health. The Achievements and acknowledgement in the last year gave me confidence and to be motivated and helped me to be a better of myself in this year.


            I learnt that mostly I do what I say, when I couldn’t do I fill the gap responsibly to the best I could. I noticed that there are many things that I learned here which I must have learned in the college and school, and it is not late to learn new things.

I noticed that when I accomplish something I feel good and I want to do more.

 From the above, I found that what kind of person I am in holding integrity. When I am out of integrity, it makes me to take action and fill the gap rather than feeling guilty about it. I am very grateful for the things I learnt after joining here. Though it is hard to accept that the way I learned everything is wrong and the inspiration that I got to continue my higher studies is actually nothing much. Now, I am moving forward with the things I learned and rather than blaming that I was taught wrong. I feel good to work on what I learnt.


            My name is Ajay, and I stand for love, happiness, and self-awareness for myself and others. I’ve been part of C3SLD for almost one and a half years, where everyone has opportunities to work with children and learn new things. I joined in 2022, participating in the Shifu program, which became a turning point in my life, surpassing the learning I gained during my four years of college. C3SLD provides a beautiful culture and environment where I collaborate with experienced individuals who have more experience than my age.

In the past year, I learned to hold my integrity, share my knowledge with others for the growth of myself and others, and support others during their unavailability. Practicing RTL has helped me perform at my best, notice myself where I can improve by using tools like feedback, integrity, etc. This practice guides me in addressing problems in much better ways.

Reflecting at the end of each week helps me to see my progress and what are all the gaps I need to fill in the upcoming week. These things encourage me to get more involved in activities and events, contributing to the organization.

Engaging in sports or going for a walk at the end of the day keeps me healthy, and I can see the difference compared to the previous year. I acknowledge Sanjeev Anna and seniors for their constant support towards everyone’s growth. I recognize the quality of care and progress I’ve witnessed, and I will apply these values in my life.


            We are not individuals doing a single task. We work to support students in school and contribute to Aura’s multitasking. We also engage in spiritual growth, starting our day with meditation and participating in one hour of group sitting each week. During our morning meetings, we share our daily plans and any information that can be beneficial to our teammates. Learning sessions are included, along with reflection sessions based on the RTL Tool, which we practice every week.


I have had many opportunities to expand my knowledge, energy and skills as a part our organization that values learning, growth, work, and teaching. I have gained a deeper understanding of the values, as well as the importance of spiritual and personal development through participation in various activities and programs like RTL, Vipassana, and visiting Auroville communities, being a part of community life, IEPG,and PE training program. My learning experiences have led to a greater sense of purpose and direction, allowing me to approach my work with renewed energy and enthusiasm. I have also developed a stronger sense of community and shared my knowledge and experience with others, helping them to grow as well. Overall, my learning within this organization has been a transformative and rewarding experience, leading to personal growth and alignment with both the organization and the wider community. I am encouraged to keep learning and keep growing.


C3SLD is a learning environment. When I first came in, I was very much worried about whether this would be the right place and what I am going to do here. As I started learning and doing things, this feeling of overwhelming completely went away. I have taken part in many programs organized here. This helped me to get connected with other people and work as a team. I came to know about RTL and Vipassana only after joining this organization. RTL has greatly helped me to understand who I am from inside and Vipassana has helped to control my emotions and be equanimous. I have also learnt a lot of technical stuffs over here with an open mind. Whenever I needed help, people over here supported me without judging me for not knowing something earlier. This increased my interest towards learning several things over the past year. On the whole, I feel I have joined in the right organization where I can grow as a person and also support others around me to grow.


My name is Kugan, and I stand for equality for myself and others. I have learned to uphold integrity in everything I do. In this organization, I have observed that I can learn, teach, work, and grow not only as an individual but also as a team member. We focus on innovating in mathematics concepts and material-based learning for children, as well as for ourselves. The environment is supportive of any initiative taken, providing feedback that helps me share what I learn with others during learning sessions.

I can handle multiple responsibilities as both an engineer and a teacher, which makes me more effective in my personal life as well. This environment supports me in leading a positive life by introducing and conducting various workshops, such as RTL, IE, etc.


I am able to notice whether I am aligned with our values through creating blogs, and supporting teams. what I have learned is not only sticking with one domain should have diversity in learning for more exploration. This year I am able to focus on outcomes rather then output.


This organization helped me to notice my actions and my purpose.  I notice gaps to fill, This organization helped me to be close to my purpose in life. I mingled with everyone in order to break group-ism and I Shuffled children into groups in order to break gender-ism also  I’m able to noticed my out of integrity and to change it with  being in integrity. I’m great full with the opportunities I have here to learn and grow as a team.  I published more blogs and started vlogs as a new initiative. I felt happy to participate in the all activities and programs, planning and term work came out very well and I learned how to solve mistakes without judging me

Sri Bhavani:

C3SL/SL gives me greater opportunity to see my growth through my learnings. This environment supported me to notice gaps in my actions and values, directed way to narrow that gap through the opportunities in different ways. I got opportunities to learn more about Integral education and interact with teachers from other Auroville schools and Auroville outreach schools.

 I started to respect others time when I work through integrity lens. It helped me to create healthy relationship with team members as well as in family. I am able to notice that when I am in integrity, I value others time and effort. When I am in integrity, I can see myself as whole and complete. It helped to narrow the gaps to make myself complete.

My effectiveness and efficiency are also depending on my interest and peaceful mindset. Apart from interest, I can also see my efficiency is depends on my rigor in doing things. When I feel accomplished in what am I doing, it improves my efficiency to achieve more in results. I am able to improve my efficiency through my achievements and accomplishments.

Also helped me to look back what I have done well and how can I do it differently in the upcoming opportunities.


Whenever I am in Integrity I feel accomplished. Integrity taught me importance of the time. A habit of integrity makes myself as more consistent person. Perseverance is most important thing to learn anything new. Sharing my learnings to others is helping to thinking about the concept more deeply. I learnt Whenever I see my full potential, I realise actually that is not my full potential, I have more than that.


My name is TAMILARASAN. I stand for courage and compassion for myself and others. Being part of C3steamland makes me grateful, as the whole organization provides more opportunities to learn, grow, and teach. Here, children are getting more opportunities to learn with new technologies. As employees, we hold more responsibilities, which gives me more confidence to handle many things in social life as well.


My name is Duraisamy Pandurangan, and I am deeply care about dignity, wisdom, and freedom for both myself and others. Over the years, I have achieved meaningful milestones, particularly in supporting children’s education in electronics, microcontrollers, Python, machine learning, operating systems, and mathematics, integrating these concepts into their day-to-day lives. Through this effort, children have gained the ability to apply mathematical principles to real-time problems.

I have also contributed to the development of a new curriculum for B. Voc electronics in collaboration with AIAT, ensuring that these syllabuses align with industrial requirements to fulfill the needs of the students. Additionally, I have engaged in global interactions through RTL sessions, sharing new initiatives and problem statements with others. This collaborative approach has allowed me to articulate system shifts and cultural changes that I envision for the future, while providing technical solutions based on project statements.

Being an integral part of the STEM community, I actively contribute to the growth and development of youths and children. I eagerly anticipate new opportunities to extend this support to everyone.


My name is Meganathan, and I deeply care about courage, love, and equality for myself and others. This year, I feel accomplished in moving forward with my growth to the next step and understanding real-time math problems. I worked with children to create materials for learning.

I see myself as part of the STEM landscape, supporting multiple people and children for their growth.


Last year I have been part of many things like handling finance, Mentoring shifuians and BVOC students, supporting kitchen related tasks, research paper, contributions for Au53xx, Au55xx, Au5328, Au56xx, Au5010, Au1901 and absolute project and RTL PC training and workshop organizing. Working and being with many new people helped me learn new skills from them and also teach them what I knew. For this year also, I hope to retain the things that have helped me grow in all aspects. I noticed how much I have contributed by being in integrity to the growth of our organization and would like to improve in the areas where I lack integrity as an individual and as a team. Revisiting the time spent and things I learnt last year, I realized that I should increase the time for learning and focus on things to learn that are relevant to my area of work or interests me personally and also on sports and health.


            I am able to notice that, the more I am being responsible the more I take initiatives. The alignment with my values and the organization helps me to take responsibilities and feel whole. I was able to notice the gap in taking care of my health and I need to work on it.

Sandhya Bala:

My name is Sandhiya Bala Anand, and I deeply care about courage, care, and happiness for both myself and others. I specialize in automating batch processes and ensuring the timely delivery of testing documentation for various projects and clients. I have acquired skills in C code testing, project regression testing, and website development. In addition to my technical expertise, I actively engage in personal development through meditation, workshops, and courses.

I collaborate with my team members, support mentees, and contribute to the development of school software features. I have successfully managed diverse responsibilities, including handling Aura’s work, supporting mentees in Shifu, training BVOC students, and caring for my family.

I am eager to delve into Python scripting and excited about taking on new responsibilities while anticipating upcoming challenges in the coming year. I look forward to embracing these new responsibilities and dedicating time to engage with my learning, preparing for the challenges that lie ahead in the upcoming year.


Over the past year, I achieved significant milestones across various dimensions. I successfully published two research papers in MES12 and had the privilege of representing the organization at the ICMI conference, where I also presented at the symposium and published an abstract. Professionally, I actively contributed to diverse projects such as au4693_revA, au4693_revA1, au4693_revB, au4851kA2, au5070, au6316, and Au4852. These projects involved crucial tasks, including making changes to sub-blocks and contributing to tape-out procedures.

In terms of technical skills, I participated in RTL book readings and  I played a key role in setting up and enhancing the office infrastructure, including internet and Ethernet cables. This involved communication with the Arinoco team to improve internet connectivity. I also took on responsibilities for office networking, which included organizing routers, switches, and procuring new equipment.

On a personal growth level, I dedicated time to activities such as meditation, Vippasana, and regular reflection practices. This holistic approach to well-being supported my overall growth. I took new responsibilities, including managing the Shifu Program, FCRA Finance, and office network. I also actively engaged with the Isai Ambalam school by organizing events like Karthigai and Christmas celebrations and contributing to environmental efforts by planting palm sprouts and turmeric plants. I learned the importance of making responsible decisions and doing things for the benefit of others’ growth. I emphasized integrity in both personal and professional aspects. Overall, the year was marked by accomplishments, personal and professional growth, and a commitment to contributing positively to both the workplace and the community.


To be part of C3STREAMLand This is my 6th year with this organization. I see myself getting better and better in many ways. Whatever the decision I take that come from my consciousness not influenced by others. This environment made me to be independent and to take correct or wrong decision but it always come from me. Whatever the interpretation I make I have to face the consequences. Lot more to work with myself independently. Being here is my lifetime cherishing moment. I love working with younger kids and would like to continue with them. I am being true to myself and this organization. When I am being true, I expect the same thing from the person or the organization, when this is not happening, I am able to accept it and move forward. I can only change myself not the others. I feel this is very good realization for me. The work I do with love and care and I use RTL tools often at work. I feel this organization supported for my growth and I valued all the opportunity I received.

I believe I am at the correct place. I spent most of my time here and those times are very valuable and this learning never going to end. This environment gave me wonderful support to be at my full potential. Every moment and every opportunity I get, I valued them all and used it wisely. I can see my continuous growth and support towards others, At school I spend my time with children those were my grateful moments. I love being with the kids and learn a lot from them. I am being in integrity with this organization and with myself. This is the right place for me to be here and work, and support the children.


When I am working on the Palm and Monsoon projects with children, I looked for the alignment of values, system shifts and the actions. The values are responsibility and creativity, system shift as unorganised to work in a group, the actions are chart work and notes preparation. When children work in groups, I always make sure that the group is a mix of boys and girls and interrupt ISMs.

Support the initiative started by the organization which includes Mathegramming team (supporting on taking RTL in schools) and Shifu program (Mentoring Prem Kumar).

I have been involved in the verification process of various SPS variants, including au4851k revA4, au4851k revA5, au4851k revA6, au4851k revB, au4991k revA3, and au4852k revA. I identified the causes of my ineffectiveness and began working on them, which include distributing my work with Sundaresan, turning off mobile internet during work hours, handling financial tasks in the evening, engaging directly with the Aura team, and maintaining an Excel sheet with project status and debug issues and started documentation of my work.

Recognizing that manual waveform checking is time-consuming, I have started automating waveform using Ocean scripting and skill scripting. Additionally, I am investing time in learning the XRUN tool, simvision tool options, Spectre commands, vim and sed commands too.

10. Conclusion:

Any final remarks, and/or intentions for next year.

We will continue the codification of STEM Land as well as look to offer workshops with partners

11. Links and attachments:

Photos (please attach as separate files), links to videos and websites, any other supplementary material that you would like to share.


Blogs and about the unit :

JIT website: