React, Respond and Realization: Brain Presentaion

~Saranya and Ranjith

I learnt about three brain. Which is,

  • Reptilian Brain
  • Limbic Brain
  • Neocortex Brain

Reptilian Brain:

  • It controls the body’s vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature and balance.
  • Main structures found in reptilian brain is two:
  1. Brainstem 2. cerebellum

Limbic Brain:

  • It’s emerged in the first mammals.
  • It record memories of behaviours that produced agreeable and disagreeable experiences, so it is responsible for what are called emotions in human beings.
  • The main structures of the limbic brain are the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the hypothalamus.
  • The limbic brain is the seat of the value judgments that we make, often unconsciously, that exert such a strong influence on our behaviour.

Neocortex Brain:

  • The neocortex first assumed importance in primates and culminated in the human brain with its two large cerebral hemispheres that play such a dominant role.
  • These hemispheres have been responsible for the development of human language, abstract thought, imagination, and consciousness. The neocortex is flexible and has almost infinite learning abilities.
  • The neocortex is also what has enabled human culturesto develop.