Leadership programme for the 7th and 8th graders was conducted at STEMland ISMART classroom,Udavi.
The programme was conducted Mondays over five weeks. Ahmed,Bridget and Helena were the resource persons. The STEMland AAD team were as PC’s. The following tools were presented to the children.
1. Stand
2. Fear.
3. Background Conversation and Deep Listening.
4. Four Profiles.
5. System Principles.
6. Watched the video of “Story of Stuff” to understand systems.
On the first day we began with ground rules which must be followed during the workshop. After the presentation of each tool, the children were called up to share their insights. A few of the children went and shared their insights. The insights were processed by Ahmed.
Once the programme was completed Sundar had created the triad list. The list was shared with the children and instructions where given on how the triad should be conducted.