Reflections from the Spanish teachers after interacting with Sanjeev About STEM Land

I am glad to share with you our feelings after our meeting.
It was very inspiring to hear and feel the vision you have for the education of children.

Developing your self-awareness through the observation of what you want to share and bring out to the world, is a beautiful and profound way to help others find their way in their lives.

“We live from inside to outside,” you said when talking about the process of teaching and learning in the school. This was touching for many of us, who frequently forget about this in our daily lives.

Putting together the youth working in a tech company with the children at school is a beautiful act of compassion for all people involved. And it is an inspiring idea that can be replicated elsewhere to bring joy and purpose to children and young workers.

We will keep in touch and share with you what the group will do and feel about our visit to Auroville. Thank you very much for your time and love.