-Sanjay, Ajay, Jayabharathi, Sivaguru and Prem
During the Sunday morning Vipassana half day courses, I notice the following youth come quite often and sit for part of or the entirety of the 4 hours
- Jayabharathy: Shifu-ian
- Ajay: Software Team
- Siva Guru Prasath: Software team
- Prem: Mathegramming Team
These half day courses are optional for the youth. They are encouraged to attend but it is not compulsory. As part of the year end reflection, it is a good idea to gather their reflections. Here are some of the questions
- Motivation for attending half day course?
- How often attend Sunday course?
- How many hours when they do attend?
- Daily practice?
- How many hours per week?
- What motivates them to practice/attend sunday?
- What obstacles come in to practice/attend?
- Jayabharathy: Vipassana has helped me to control my emotions and be equanimous. I first started doing it just because everyone in the organization was doing it. But as i kept on practicing it, i observed some changed within myself. I started accepting reality which was not easier for me earlier. I started keeping calm when i get angry which was again the toughest of all earlier. Knowingly or unknowingly, vipassana has helped me greatly to look at life in a different manner which i had no clue about before practicing it.
- Prem: My name is Premkumar I stand for courage and Equality for myself and others by attending Vipassana I realise that everything is temporary and it will change after sometime and I notice that doing vipasanna makes me mentally strong and it paves the way to a solution of a problem and it did help me in many circumstances which I felt challenging to solve the issues. I have anger issues from childhood I can’t control my emotions after vipasanna I feel I am more controlled and more calm and I noticed some sense of patience
- Ajay: My reflection about attending half-day Vipassana course is to retain the daily practice and to keep my mind healthy and bring the sense of calmness and make myself more aware of the surroundings and show love and compassion for every one. When I practice Vipassana I am able to concentrate more and it helps me to solve the problem faster and give different perspective.
- SivaGuru: While on doing Sunday vipassana, I notice that it was really helpful for my upcoming work schedules and also, I spend some useful time to enrich my mental health by doing it in a peaceful environment. I felt calm and thoughtful on meditating.
- Sanjay: I am happy to see people come and sit. I am happy to see the youth at StemLand come and sit. I am happy to know that they are benefiting from the practice in some way or otherwise they would not have come. I am happy that whatever effort I am exerting in this direction does have takers, does have beneficiaries who are able to see the benefit for themselves and not have it explained to them. That gives meaning to the effort being exerted. Talking to the also helps me with my own practice, as I too get to explore why my practice goes up or down. We are not all that different from one another and I find their responses useful to my own practice. I chose the questions as I was curious about what motivates people to practice, increase their practice, what is an obstacle to practice, are they able to isolate benefits to the practice itself etc. This is based on my own reflections on vipassana practise.