~ Sivaguruprasath, Ajay, Poonguzali, Arunkumar, Rajesh, Sandhiya S, Soundhariya, Sharmila, Premkumar M, Nithya Sandhosh, Tamilarasan, Premkumar, Poovizhi, Duraisamy, SandhiyaBala

The drama rehearsal happened for about two and half days for the stage preparation, ensuring correctness and coordination of the characters. Additionally, adjustments to lighting for scenes and sound checks were completed for the dance and songs.
The children from grades 4 to 8 from our school contributed their roles in the play, and two teachers played the roles of Lord Shiva and Parvathi. Our STEM teachers have guided and supported the children in making drama utilities, coordinating rehearsal and managing stage play.
The final stage play presented on March 7, 2024, on a Thursday evening (on a day before Sivarathri) at the Bharat Nivas auditorium in Auroville. Thirumuraiyai kanda cholan (jpUKiwiaf; fz;l Nrhod;) – The story depicted occurred over 1000 years ago during the rule of King Raja Raja I, who discovered the Thirumurai (inscriptions written by followers for Lord Shiva, notably Appar, Sundarar, Sambandhar, Manikkavasagar) with the help of Nambiyandaar Nambi and Thiruvasagam story by Manikkavasagar. It was enacted by children as depicted in the inscription. The drama showcased our cultural heritage and history. It also showcased the challenges and the values of different individuals and how they overcame them using universal values and inner capacities. We believe that by bringing our culture and history to life, we can foster a deeper appreciation and understanding among our audience, connecting them with the profound roots of our identity and instilling a meaning and purpose to life.

Here are the reflections from out STEM teachers on their contribution,

My name is Sivaguruprasath and I stand for courage, full-potential and equanimity for myself and for others. On participating in supporting the drama I feel so satisfied and also I learned about my own potential in managing and coordinating such an event. During rehearsal of the event we planned the positioning of backdrop setup, Nataraja statue, Palanquin(pallakku) and giving feedback for the children performance.
During the final play, I took up the role of changing collar microphones for the children according to their respective characters they were playing. The children cooperated well, and I also managed them for their next scenes.
My name is Ajay, and I stand for self-awareness for myself and others. From the Nayanmargal drama, I learned that team effort will pay off in the end. It helps people understand each other and listen to their ideas. I noticed myself putting my full potential into different roles: preparing materials, organizing people, and involving everyone to support seating allocation for children in the auditorium and distributing snacks. I felt happy, and this was a new experience in supporting such big events at our school.
My name is Poonguzhali I stand for courage for myself and others. I volunteered to support the drama. I engaged in making questions based on the story and took part in background painting, craft jewellery, and decoration. I observed the quality of deep listening. This quality helped me to exchange my thoughts and enabled me to accomplish the tasks I did. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity, I feel grateful to the school.
I was appointed as a microphone manager, and that’s a task for which I have to be honest and on time. Constantly engaging with changing microphones to the next character’s. It’s more challenging work than I have done for a while. Moreover, the little acknowledgement and recognition from a stranger urge me to engage in such activities. The children were aware that their voice should reach out to everyone in auditorium they ensured that before going to perform the mic is turned on and after coming they voluntarily asked us to turn it off. In order to not make noise while others performing.

My name is Rajesh, I stand for care and integrity for myself and others. I learned that When I am at my full potential, the outcome I can produce is higher and by the output, people get inspired. This can generate a new system in which everyone can involve themselves. I also learned how consistent I can be when I say ‘yes’ and get that done. This creates a huge trust in me. Throughout the practice and final performance, whatever support I was asked, I first said ‘Yes’, then we Did it. In doing the work, I was able to involve everyone from my team. As I was aware of what each individual could do, it was easier to get the required output from each individual.
Sandhiya S:
My name is Sandhiya. I stand for progress as happiness, and love for myself and others. I am happy to be part of the drama presentation. It was so nice to see children participating actively, fully involved, and working as a team. I noticed that everyone who was part of the drama, and those who supported, did so with goodwill. Not everyone needs to be instructed; when there is space for self-development, responsibilities, and creativity grow and show up so well. Many involved in that drama loved their work, and this was clearly seen during the presentation. Children had overcome their stage fear; they enjoyed from preparation to the presentation.
My name is Soundhariya. I stand for courage for myself and others. When I worked with the Nayanmargal drama, I noticed the collaboration of teamwork with full potential. All the students were able to participate with courage and break their silos. So I felt very enthusiastic throughout the event.
My name is Sharmila, and I stand for courage and patience for myself and others. Students of Isai Ambalam performed the “Nayanmargal drama” on the occasion of Sivarathri in Bharath Nivas. Stemland teachers volunteered to help them make their jewels and backdrops. On the day of presenting the drama, the students were all ready with their costumes, and the whole stage was filled with positivity and happiness. While seeing the children performing their roles, I felt very happy and accomplished. I had a wonderful experience and I’m happy to be a part of this drama.
Premkumar M:

My name is Premkumar Murugan. I stand for self-confidence and equality for myself and others. Through the Nanyanmargal drama, I have gained many new insights. I am extremely excited to witness the performance of the Nayanmargal story by the Isai children. I deeply appreciate the talent of these Isai children. When it comes to speaking or acting on stage, I often feel fearful due to my age. However, I am delighted and pleasantly surprised to see these young children act without any fear. Participating in this drama has been a truly enriching experience for me.
My name is Nithyasandhosh, I stand for kindness and equality to myself and others. I proudly supported “Nayanmargal” drama performed by the children of Isai Ambalam School. The children are performing drama in the center of the stage after a screenplay finished. we Dhinesh, Rajesh, and I eagerly worked together with the children to change the backdrop. I am so much involved in that drama. I am developing friendship with people and the children’s dedication and sense of responsibility filled me with joy.
My name is Tamil, and I stand for courage and compassion for myself and others. I have learned that education is not only about studies. Each individual has their own identity and capability. When multiple sources are provided to children, they get the opportunity to develop themselves and their confidence. As a teacher, I have learned that I need to involve other activities that include creativity and create space for children where they can explore themselves and learn. I supported drama sessions with involvement and took on responsibilities such as supporting the setup of the stage backdrop and preparing the pallaku. Later, I was assigned to make a video of the whole process. This video gives a brief view of the preparation, efforts, and goals of the people involved. I was happy to see this video during the performance.
My name is Premkumar I deeply care about for me and others. The drama was interesting and the students done it very well. The songs were sung in the background were very good. The acting of the children showed their full potential and the efforts were taken by them and the drama also showed the importance of team work which leads to success.
My name is Poovizhi and I deeply care about Equality and equity for myself and others.
After watching the drama, I learned about the stories of Nayanmars and their importance. The way the children performed was admirable; they were confident and clearly enjoyed what they were doing. They didn’t just act out the drama but also connected with the universal values behind the story. This connection made me think about spirituality in a deeper way, rather than just following blindly.
Sandhiya Bala:
My name is Sandhiya Bala, I deeply care about courage, care, and happiness for myself and others. I learned the dedication and confidence of each child’s effort . While I support the childen. I felt the spirituality in a deeper inner values of mine.
My Name is Duraisamy Pandurangan, I deeply care about dignity, wisdom and freedom for myself and others. After watching the drama performed by the children at Bharath Nivas, I had a wonderful experience. The story of Raja Raja Cholan and Maanikkavasagar deeply connects with values of wisdom and care.