Sundaresan, Preethi, Sivaguru Prasath, Sri Bhavani, Ajay, Narmadha, Nithya Sandhosh
At STEM land we embrace unending education and constant progress. Auroville brings many opportunities for this. For the commencement of the Auroville festival in 2024, the Yoga gathering happened at Matrimandir Amphitheater, Auroville, from Feb 22 to Feb 26. From STEMland, a few teachers attended the Yoga session along with students from Udavi and Isai Ambalam schools. There were also children from other schools.

Here are the few reflections from our STEM teachers on attending Yoga session,
The yoga masters teach different types of yoga and pranayamas throughout the entire week. It makes me feel healthy for the entire week. They start with Hatha yoga on day 1 by Dr. Mollika Ganguly. Without continuous practice, it causes back pain and body pain for two days. After continuous practice, my body adapted to the pain. Surya Namaskar is taught by S. Srinivasan with the Ramayana story on day 2. The story is related to the 12 asanas, and I enjoyed it. I learned that Surya Namaskar has different types of 12 poses, each taught in its own way. On day 3, Yogic Pranayama and Silence Concentration for ‘the Supramental Manifestation’ are taught by M. Muthukumari.
On day 4, I learned Ashtanga yoga by Velu and Tamil Hymns and Chants by Anandou. I learned three different types of Chants in the session. On day 5, Mantra chanting by Devan and Aravind, and Sounds Meditation and Relaxation by Swaram. From this, I learned how to slowly convey new things to others. I will use this teaching method and calmness in my life. From a sound healing session, I learned to notice my background noises and conversations. After the session, I felt very calm. My mind was clear, and I didn’t feel any stress. The vibrations caused some changes in my body. This session helps me to continue yoga every day. I can feel that I get lots of energy from yoga. For that reason, I can work efficiently the whole day. I decide to teach others what I’ve learned to make it a habit, as well as to keep my health as good as possible.
My name is preethi. I stand for courage, kindness and perseverance for myself and others. My insight for yoga workshop is I learnt different asanas that help me make my body strong, flexible, and balanced. I learnt breathing techniques that calm my mind and give more energy. While doing meditation I find out how to relax my mind and focus on the present moment to feel more peaceful. When I do yoga in Mathirmandir, amphitheater, I feel close to nature. I enjoy hearing birds singing and feeling the cool breeze on my face. It feels like nature is giving me a hug, and it makes me feel calm and peaceful inside. I had a really awesome week, and I had a great experiences.

Sivaguru prasath:
My name is Sivaguru prasath and I stand for courage, full-potential and equanimity for myself and for others. On practicing yoga, I observed that I feel calm, active and flexible and also it was a immense pleasure to do yoga along with children and old-age people which gives us more positive energy and motivation. The day-1 was a like a quick session, we did it continuously, most of the children were felt tired and we motivated them to do it properly and completely. The Surya namaskar we did on the day-2 were taught with the correlation of Ramayana was a different and interesting experience.
On the day-3, we did Pranayama, which improved my breathing and concentration and I found it as the most needful thing for me. On the day-4 we did yoga with some chants and On day-5 they conducted a sound healing session with Swaram team that relaxed my mind and felt like a feather without stress, fear and anxiety. I noticed that I felt active throughout the days when I was practicing yoga and I have to keep my practice day to day to feel energetic and thoughtful.
Sri Bhavani:
My Name is Sri Bhavani, I stand for Love and Equality for myself and others. This time number of members joined from our team for the yoga session has increased compared to the past. Children from Auroville and Auroville outreach schools participated in this session and benefitted. This event also helped us to enhance our physical health. All age groups were participated in this session, this shows physical health has how much importance in all the stages of life. As Sri Aurobindo offered Physical education had three principal aspects:
(1) control and discipline of the functioning of the body;
(2) an integral, methodical and harmonious development of all the parts and movements of the body; and
(3) correction of any defects and deformities.
This session helped me to have disciplined physical activities and utilise it as healing for the body.

The five-day yoga session in the morning at the Amphitheater has been refreshing for me. It helps me keep my body flexible and energetic throughout the day. Going for yoga with children gives me a special feeling in the early morning. Each day, different people shared their way, and I learned various pranayama techniques, Savitri chantings, and on the final day, we had an amazing sound bath from the Svaram team. This year more people from stemland joined so it motivated me to continue doing this and looking forward to the upcoming yoga activities
The day started with stretching; it had been a long time since I had done yoga, so it was initially difficult for me. However, as the days progressed, I found it easier to perform the yoga asanas, and I noticed a positive difference in myself. Each day brought a unique blend of physical challenges, mindfulness, and spiritual connection. At the end of each session for all five days, we concluded with Savasana and chanting. On the last day, there was a sound bath, during which I could feel my breath and the sensations in my body. This practice was organized in celebration of Auroville’s birthday and took place from 6:30 am to 7:30 am. The morning meditation and yoga routine provided a refreshing start to my day, and I have continued this practice every morning since.

My name is Nithyasandhosh, I stand for kindness and equality to myself and others. As I settled onto my mat, the world around me seemed to fade into a gentle blur. With each inhale, I welcomed peace into my being, and with each exhale, I released tension and doubt. In the stillness of the moment, I felt a profound connection with my body and mind. Every stretch, every pose, was a conversation between the two, a dance of harmony and balance. As I flowed through each movement, I embraced the sensation of energy coursing through me, awakening every fiber of my being.