~Kalai & Sundar
In this project a big challenge for me was handling the objects between two backdrops. Initially I set the flag event for twenty-seven objects. It became an issue with debugging. After that I was aware that to use minimal amount of flag event. The second issue was, to hide the object using the broadcast event, it hid all the other objects and I was not able to proceed further. Then I learnt how to show and hide the object using the local variable between two backdrops. The next issue was while moving the object from one page to another it went behind the circle, from this I had learnt about the usage of (go to front and back layer) block in Looks. After fixing these issues I felt happy. Sanjeev helped me whenever I was struck.
From this project I have learnt about
how and when to use conditional blocks like if, repeat, forever, and wait.
how to apply local and global variable.
how to make a list and assign the list values to the variable.
how to set the mouse position.
how scratch compares the variable and gives the result.
how to use the flag event.
Show and hide the sprite between two background using the variable.
how to avoid repetitions of the code and make it simple
This game works based on the set theory.
It contains three different sets represented as Venn circles (shape, Inside color, outside color) and twenty-seven objects.
You select the object based on their inside color, border color and shape and place it on the Venn diagram.
The object moves to the mouse track.
Press space key for positioning the object on the circle.
If you place the object in the correct position it tells correct and stay in the circle, if it is wrong, it back to its position.
If you win this game, it will switch to home page.