Learning scratch

The 7th graders (2018-2019 batch) had stepped in for their Mathematics class for the first time in STEMland this year.  They took their own time and became familiar with filling their weekly plan and updates on the laptops. They saw their seniors work on projects and were eager to learn, some of them took the courage to approach and did learn a few blocks in scratch and got the feel of it, but had a little hard time on expanding their code. They often started to play around with the back ground painting and changing colors of sprites, but the coding part was still a little confusing.

The previous batches had a guidance course into scratch and that had kicked started their projects.  I had thought to do something of this type and get the current batch flexible with programming too. Then as a team we decided to create diversity in the class and put up an announcement for all those who were interested in attending the course to sign up. 5th graders from Isaimambalam had shown interest and 8th graders from Udavi along with the interns in STEMLand the course began.

All the participants were eager to code and make the computer do what they want rather the vice versa. Pairs were made on a mix up of boys and girls, young ones and elders, interns and students. Each day started with a focused goal and how to broaden it when attained and make the program more flexible. Girls were eager in writing their scripts and explaining their program at the end of day or beginning of the next session on the main screen. Some children did not want to move on to the next task unless they had completed the current one to their satisfaction, and took extra time and involved in making their program more stable.

Through the course the children had learnt to use the pen function and through this draw regular shapes. Once they knew the basics they made the same program dynamic and used ‘for loops’ to show all the shapes starting from an equilateral triangle to square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, and decagon.

The children had learnt importing and exporting of sprites (arc function to draw arcs in practical geometry, writing sprites to print on the screen)

Then they were divided into teams and created a game based on sensing objects or colors (similar to a maze game but when sprite touches a wall or unwanted object the game resets)

The children were given feedback forms, and the reflections were showing that they all are more confident now than before in doing projects with scratch. They also mentioned as teams they were able to learn and help each other more.

Towards the end all children had made a number of projects to show what they had learned through the course. This was a stepping stone for them to continue and make projects based on their curriculum to project their mastery over a concept.

At present the children have come up with new projects, e.g. Abinash, Shakthikannan have created projects in measurements. While Murali took it to the next level and is doing a project from out of his syllabus (a+b+c)^2. This has inspired others and Guna sundari, Yuvan, Jeeva, Jannani, Anisha have started to expand from (a+b)^2

Holiday Scratch Course


During the exam holiday we conducted basic scratch course for children. 7th graders are new to STEM land they donot know to make a project in scratch so we combined Isai Ambalam children with Udavi children. Day by day we are able to see changes from children. When we collaburate with other children it was really fun and learn. Some children from 8th grade also joined with us for helping. They helped their buddies and also they showed the task demo with children. From that demo children got an idea to complete their tasks.

Day 1: Ask question

We asked children prepare few question that can related to anything. They did it then we asked children to use funtions from scratch now use spirite and ask questions and also play it with others. 8th grade children showed demo of the task. Every children did well.






Day2: Shapes to Mandala

We asked children how many shapes do you know draw it by using scratch from that make a mandala and we have given one clue for them that is repeat function for mandala. When they did it they were so happy and theyn shared with other also.






Day3: Maze Game

We asked children to know how to play maze game.  From this we have given clue for children to make maze game. 8th grade children showed demo of this then many children made different kind of maze games. That was really awesome and everyone were enjoyed a lot. We gave chance to evryone to share their projects.

Day4: Adding life and score to everyone

Maze game they did for play at one time then we asked children to add life and score. We asked children to use data for that the did well and they taught others also.

Day5: Arc function and Write function

These two function is used to reduce our coding part. This will make our work easy.  The task is children should use these function. Children did it and also they made many projects.

We start and end with circle. I noticed that when we collaburate with other children peer learning was happened and we made new relationship with Udavi and Isai Ambalam. I felt this exam holidays helped for others and also we made the holiday meaningful.

Fraction; Proper and Improper

Proper Fraction:

The fraction is always less than 1 whole

e.g.For the fraction (1/6); I have one cake and I want to give it equally to six people, How much will each get?

I.e) The Numerator will always be less than the denominator

link to scratch code: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/237539463/

This program can be altered to show equivalent fractions as well.

Improper Fractions

The fraction is always greater than 1 whole

I have 11 cake I want to give to 8 people equally, what should I do?

I.e) The Numerator will always be greater than the denominator

link to scratch code: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/237539515/

This program takes two inputs numerator and denominator and draws that as a fraction.

Fraction with discrete form and scratch program


  1. Grouping
  2. Sharing
  3. Discrete

In grouping method the number of objects are grouped into different containers in equal portions

Example: I have 15 cakes and want to give it to 5 people equally.

In sharing method I know the number of people I want to give I need to find out how many to give to each person.

Example: I have 15 cakes if a person gets 3 cakes, to how many people can I give?

In Discrete method, the user has a specified quantity of chips only.

As seen here, the arrangement of chips are in a 8 cross 5 with a total of 40 chips.

Let us consider 4/5 + 5/8

Then he would flip the appropriate chips like the following:

Here the child sees that there are out of 5 chips in one row four are blue and there are eight rows which sums up to 32. On the other hand there are five blue chips for one row and there are five rows which gives 25 now if we add all the blue we get 57.

link to project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/236316674/


My first experience with scratch


This is an amazing idea .When I heard the word scratch, I did not know what it is? .After that students taught me how to use it? What kind of thing we can learn by using scratch.It is like an Object Oriented Programming.Here we have to give only command like move,turn like this. We have to understand the logic. whatever the command is given by us It will draw accordingly. We can draw different shapes by using scratch.It is increasing my interest level towards mathematics. The below picture shows the circle by using scratch.

This is makes me to understand the logic in easy way.Yesterday evening I saw the two wheeler truck so I would like to draw the truck by using scratch.Then I tried to draw a two wheeler truck.The below picture can shows my interest  towards scratch.


Story of minus into minus is plus & programming for the same

Children from 8th were learning algebra and had difficulties with the sign operations. They were able to come up with stories of multiplying minus into plus, plus into minus and plus into plus but they couldn’t come up with a story of minus into minus. They asked the volunteers and facilitators to tell a story for it but they couldn’t get the right story for it. Sanjeev gave a story and explained how negative value multiplied with negative value becomes positive. Children even tried the story on the staircase. They closed their eyes and walked backward (negative) and facing down the staircase (negative) and when they opened their eyes they saw themselves climbed few steps up(Positive). They were excited and were able to implement it on their algebraic equations. They had fun while learning it.

Goanimate story:

Scratch program that randomly takes two numbers and does the same story.

link to scratch code: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/296602417/


Nuclear Fission Reaction with Scratch

The following video demonstrates the nuclear fission reaction that was made during the advanced scratch course offered at STEMLAND. I had partnered up along with a 8th grader from Udavi school to create it.