Holiday Scratch Course


During the exam holiday we conducted basic scratch course for children. 7th graders are new to STEM land they donot know to make a project in scratch so we combined Isai Ambalam children with Udavi children. Day by day we are able to see changes from children. When we collaburate with other children it was really fun and learn. Some children from 8th grade also joined with us for helping. They helped their buddies and also they showed the task demo with children. From that demo children got an idea to complete their tasks.

Day 1: Ask question

We asked children prepare few question that can related to anything. They did it then we asked children to use funtions from scratch now use spirite and ask questions and also play it with others. 8th grade children showed demo of the task. Every children did well.






Day2: Shapes to Mandala

We asked children how many shapes do you know draw it by using scratch from that make a mandala and we have given one clue for them that is repeat function for mandala. When they did it they were so happy and theyn shared with other also.






Day3: Maze Game

We asked children to know how to play maze game.  From this we have given clue for children to make maze game. 8th grade children showed demo of this then many children made different kind of maze games. That was really awesome and everyone were enjoyed a lot. We gave chance to evryone to share their projects.

Day4: Adding life and score to everyone

Maze game they did for play at one time then we asked children to add life and score. We asked children to use data for that the did well and they taught others also.

Day5: Arc function and Write function

These two function is used to reduce our coding part. This will make our work easy.  The task is children should use these function. Children did it and also they made many projects.

We start and end with circle. I noticed that when we collaburate with other children peer learning was happened and we made new relationship with Udavi and Isai Ambalam. I felt this exam holidays helped for others and also we made the holiday meaningful.