Savarayalu 8th Grade Class 20170223:
The class started with what they had learn t new form the previous class:
- Change pen size
- Pen shade
- Point in direction
- Equal to operator
- Go back one layer
Then the homework was shared ie:
- Square
- Triangle
- Circle
They had updated the programs by using:
- Set sprite center
- Go to origin in the start of every program and use clear
Task given in class:
- Create score and increase it for every right answer
- Decrease score for every wrong answer or reset to 0
- Create a repeat until loop for each of the if else conditions (Were not able to complete)
Home work Given:
- Complete the program so that it only moves to the next answer if the present one is correct and use repeat until.
- Draw a circle of given radius
At the end of the class we shared what was the new things they had learned:
- Set sprite center
- Go to origin in the start of every program and use clear
- Variable(Score)
- Change by one, and set
- Repeat Until
Sundar: I would like to be more rigorous in allotting time for each task, and indulge teachers to what they have learn t in each class and participate in group sharing.
Prathap: I would like to be rigorous in maintaining a data base of the Scratch programs.
Prathap and Sundar