Mathegramming Academy trains Vaasavi international school teachers

Mathegramming Academy is happy with its baby step in collaborating with Vaasavi International School to train teachers in Mathegramming – visual mathematics using programming with responsibility.

Mathegramming Academy and Vaasavi International School have partnered to enhance math learning for students. The partnership will focus on using technology to create more engaging and interactive math lessons. Our learning modules synthesize the technical development of a teacher along with developing competence and supporting inner capacity with RTL (Radical Transformational Leadership) tools. This is because skill in itself is insufficient to create meaningful and sustainable change in society.

Vaasavi International School is a private CBSE school in Puducherry that offers a holistic education. The school is committed to using technology to enhance learning. The school has been selected to be a model school in Pondicherry for implementing NEP and this is where we are supporting them.

The partnership is expected to benefit both Mathegramming Academy and Vaasavi International School. For Mathegramming Academy this offers an opportunity to reach out to 320 children (initial target from 6th-8th grade) and in time the remaining teachers who are currently getting trained as well. Vaasavi International School will be able to offer its students more engaging and interactive math lessons. The partnership is a significant step forward for both Mathegramming Academy and Vaasavi International School and a sign of their commitment to using technology to enhance math and science learning.

Mathegramming Academy recently conducted the first teaching training session for teachers at Vaasavi International School on 13th June 2023. The Mathegramming Academy team with support from C3STREAM Land Designs (C3SLD) seniors who visited the school and presented a session on the RTL tool Stand and Fear and a brief explanation about the upcoming sessions. The session focused on how to use technology to enhance math learning.

A short video on what C3SLD has been doing in the last 10 yrs which is being codified in Mathegramming Academy was shared as an introduction.

The training then was led by Mathegramming Academy’s founder, Dr. Sanjeev. During the training session, Sanjeev delivered on sourcing one’s universal values to lead a transformation. Each teacher shared what they deeply care about. Sandhiya from C3SLD presented our socialized fear and how to transcend this fear to do something new followed by insights (what I learned about myself). Sanjeev and Sandhiya processed insights.

Sanjeev also explained how Mathegramming Academy can help students visualize math concepts, solve problems more effectively, and develop critical thinking skills by training teachers.

The teachers at Vaasavi International School were deeply influenced by the training and shared their insights on discovering the qualities they stand for and want to see in children. They also appreciated the opportunity to learn about new ways to use technology in math learning. They are excited to use the skills they learned in the training session to create more engaging and effective math lessons for their students. Mathegramming Academy is looking forward to being in action.