The Aura Auro Design team had interned in Bangalore for two weeks from the 2nd to the 14th of May at Aura Semi . The day started at 8:30 AM and we would leave after 7 PM. In these two weeks there was a lot of exposure for me in knowing how people worked as a team, and approached each other to clarify, and learn. The way things were organized and followed. The consistency and rigor in coding which would lead to a more efficient and understandable work was in-cooperated into mine, from observing and learning from the environment where I was. I had observed how as a team one can achieve way more than working in silos, getting others involved and having inputs greatly benefits in seeing things from various angles and aspects. That I had l less considered.
In these two weeks I have learn’t a lot about myself on how flexible I could be. Organizing and planning for the days ahead. Allocating time for various tasks and my work about in prioritizing them.
It was a good walk of 20 min everyday that I enjoyed with my colleagues on the way to office> We stayed as a PG, where we three (Arun, Bala, and I) had shared a room with two others. Was a new experience and a good one too 😉 .