~ Abilash , Murali
The STEM Land team usually does 10 minutes of concentration everyday in the morning as a routine. This Wednesday(10/07/19) as a change we all booked and went to the Matrimandir inner chamber. We did the concentration for about 40 minutes. It was a different opportunity for all of us to visit Matrimandir as team, which made us feel really good.
Individual’s experience
“Though I have gone to Matrimandir many times, going as a team was a different experience, while leaving the chamber I felt good and light.”-Abilash
“I was able to still myself, as I have a connection with the place, it was peaceful for me.” – Naveen
“After the concentration I was able feel the peace and felt more concentrated.” – Prabha karan
“During the concentration, I was able pause my background conversations and move forward.” – Sandhiya
“Initially I felt tired before entering the inner chamber, but after the concentration I felted refreshed and focused.” – Murali