Soldering and Tinkering

Children of Isaimbalam were very much interested in Soldering and making simple circuits. We got many Vega kits were the circuits are already printed in a PCB. Children study the datasheet of a particular circuit and solder. Children from 6th and 7th soldered few kits. They were very happy when some of them worked.

Since they are young and new they made mistakes by flipping few components here and then but they tinkered with my help.

Circuits like Disco light, Light sensor and water level indicator worked.

Bala was so happy when we were testing the water level indicator and the light one by one lighted up. Auyush also connected a buzzer to indicate low light.

Ayush and Swetha testing low light sensor
Ayush and Swetha testing low light sensor along with me
Sabari and Vasanth with Disco light
Sabari soldering the kit
Water level indicator by Bala