Fraction; Proper and Improper

Proper Fraction:

The fraction is always less than 1 whole

e.g.For the fraction (1/6); I have one cake and I want to give it equally to six people, How much will each get?

I.e) The Numerator will always be less than the denominator

link to scratch code:

This program can be altered to show equivalent fractions as well.

Improper Fractions

The fraction is always greater than 1 whole

I have 11 cake I want to give to 8 people equally, what should I do?

I.e) The Numerator will always be greater than the denominator

link to scratch code:

This program takes two inputs numerator and denominator and draws that as a fraction.

Fraction with discrete form and scratch program


  1. Grouping
  2. Sharing
  3. Discrete

In grouping method the number of objects are grouped into different containers in equal portions

Example: I have 15 cakes and want to give it to 5 people equally.

In sharing method I know the number of people I want to give I need to find out how many to give to each person.

Example: I have 15 cakes if a person gets 3 cakes, to how many people can I give?

In Discrete method, the user has a specified quantity of chips only.

As seen here, the arrangement of chips are in a 8 cross 5 with a total of 40 chips.

Let us consider 4/5 + 5/8

Then he would flip the appropriate chips like the following:

Here the child sees that there are out of 5 chips in one row four are blue and there are eight rows which sums up to 32. On the other hand there are five blue chips for one row and there are five rows which gives 25 now if we add all the blue we get 57.

link to project:


Multiplication and Division stories

The 6th graders at Isaiambalam school were working on converting a multiplication story to two relevant division stories. They had initially done it with random objects. Then 7th graders stepped in and took it a little further involving physics with speed distance and time. They followed the following model to tell the stories:

link:  Multiplication_2 Division

Algebra with pen

With the beginning of the term it was the first few classes for the 7th graders who came in fresh to the STEMLand at Udavi. Children worked on various topics, some chose algebra and to start they began with the ‘Algebra with pen’.

This module works as the following:

 Children weigh different number of objects of the same kind ( here Monisha has kept 5 pieces of erasers that weighed to 12 grams).

Thus creating a story for the others, saying ‘If 5 erasers weighs 12 grams how much would one weigh?’

And the others would do the calculation and respond to here.

initially the girls were interested in doing this, they had weighed different objects and found out the expressions and then determined how much each object weighed, and then generalized it to other real life objects.

As a few boys had this in their weekly plan they were eager to learn, but did not know how to use the materials, Monisha and Pavitha were excited in demonstrating this and so began the experiments to determine the unknown.

The children used the dienes blocks to evaluate 1 gram of the object and other weighing stones of standard weights.


Work shop on Siddha Medicine

Along with the interest of the teachers a Siddha practitioner was invited to Isaiambalam School, and shared his knowledge on the history and current status of how medicine is being utilized (Allopathic and its harmful effects without the knowledge of the people using them) He restated the benefits of which can be derived from natural source such as herbs and trees. The workshop was conducted through a day on the summer break. He had given natural remedies for the daily use of modern materials such as shampoo, tooth paste.

He provided the reasons for the body system on how it works and how organs are interrelated. The benefits of mucus production on how it brings out the unwanted content from the body through various methods.

One of the important thing he specified is that people now a days tend to take symptoms suppressant such as paracetamol, and neglect the real reason why the body is getting sick and whats the solution towards healing the body.

Preparation workshop with Isaiambalam teachers

A stewardship workshop was arranged in the morning hours with all the teachers and volunteers at Isaiabalam School. The focus was on to find what one wants to accomplish on the up coming year and determine ones roles and accountabilities.

It was organized over three days, the table pc’s were members of STEMland. The workshop was delivered by Arun and me. This was my first experience delivering to teachers other than the interns and team members of STEMland. While delivering the tools, I was able to notice the reflections and connect with what the participants insights even though this was the hardest I had missed out on some and got assistance from Arun.

This workshop also gave me the opportunity to learn on what really happens in the organization as a whole. What were my assumptions and what was expected. I have found gaps which need to be filled for by myself.

Reflection (2017-2018)

The Year 2017-2018, Progress occurred in various aspects. I am able to notice a vast change in my inner being, and abilities as well.I have realized that happiness is something special that I create within me, and this emanates in all things that I do, and participate small or large. Supporting children in their growth and seeing them accomplish their goals gives a huge sense of awe, and responsibility. As a learner and technologist I have gained the confidence to support my fellow colleagues and learned from the team as a whole, this has made my knowledge rich and diversified. Each member of the team has a unique set of universal values, skills and accountability, and seeing them engaged with commitment gives me an adrenaline drive to progress towards perfection along by their sides. I have shared many moments of inspiration and clarity that remain special to me. There has been a lot of new experiences in courses that were conducted and seeing new people join the team, and fellow ones progress and search towards their new goals, attachment has become something I have realized that needs to be let go, in order togo with the present flow of things being put forward for a higher purpose.

I am privileged to be at the place of most potential were I own the opportunity to learn, grow, work and support others in their learning’s.

Research has given me the curiosity to think beyond what I could have imagined it would be, to get down to details and provide clarity on what is that has made me all this change in me and bring it out to others to experience.


Open House at the 6th grade

The Udavi school children had their Open house before the summer break. They put together what they found interesting that they had built in the term.

The view consisted of electronic circuits that they had built.

The children built a table top lamp and connected a switch with a 9V battery in series. Decorated the exterior with foam and color .






Leds that connect states and their important capitals, that turn on when the connection is given with the use of a wire.



Buzzer that was connected to a battery with the use of switch.





An infinity cube that was constructed using 8th smaller cubes and taped together.




Building an Infinity cube with the 6th graders.

Along with the 6th graders from Udavi school, the children wanted to build something to show to their parents. Initially a few weeks back we had build cubes from chart paper. Then I remembered once Ravi A who had come to Isaiambalam to show his work, had introduced some kirigami and one thing that really got me amazed was an infinity cube he had built. This idea struck me and we along with the children decided to convert their cubes to an infinity cube.

So began the taping cutting gluing job:


6th graders building name board with SSDs

The 6th grade wanted to build name boards for their class. We started by learning how a multi-meter works in order to check for the connections in the bread board and to test the SSD’s

Now the batteries were low and the children started by opening the meters and replacing the batteries.

Once the multi-meter were functional, we started to hack and learn the connections in the bread board by testing for connectivity..Then children were given each and CA(common anode) SSD and asked to bias them to find out the corresponding light settings for each segment. With the available information they gathered they had begun to build the name boards.