Finding the Pattern using shapes and colours

3rd grade children from Isai ambalam school are studying about patterns. They were given an activity to make some design out of different shapes and colors. They split into teams and started to create their own designs. Later they all went through each one’s design and found the pattern in the design. Children were able to find the pattern that was used in the design and discussed about it. They were so interested to use the material and it was easy for them to understand about patterns. Later they were able to find patterns from their class room. They came up with things like window grill, wall, Leaves and so on.

Addition of one digit numbers

1st grade children are studying about numbers 0-10 and addition of one digits number. They taught to use Cuisenaire rod for learning numbers (because children like color very much and they learned number easily using it). Then they are asked to find out what are possible ways of getting 10, 9, and 8 by adding two numbers.

It was interesting to see children figure out a pattern in adding number using Cuisenaire rods.

Children are teaching their friends about adding two numbers using Cuisenaire rods.


Practicing Breakdown to Breakthrough

As a team we practiced the Breakdown to Breakthrough exercise. First day we did the session with the Tamrai Team. We did the exercise together and shared our insights in a pair and as a group. On the second day, we continued it for the breakdowns which we had for our team.
We had fun as well as we came up with action items and new ideas for the breakdowns we had in our team.

My Insights:

  • A breakdown does not be bad or hard to take on, it can also be fun.
  • A breakdown comes when I need something to happen or progress to happen in my workplace.
  • I learnt that I don’t need to wait for others to do the work, I can also take responsibility and do a work for which I am not accountable for.

Fraction; Proper and Improper

Proper Fraction:

The fraction is always less than 1 whole

e.g.For the fraction (1/6); I have one cake and I want to give it equally to six people, How much will each get?

I.e) The Numerator will always be less than the denominator

link to scratch code:

This program can be altered to show equivalent fractions as well.

Improper Fractions

The fraction is always greater than 1 whole

I have 11 cake I want to give to 8 people equally, what should I do?

I.e) The Numerator will always be greater than the denominator

link to scratch code:

This program takes two inputs numerator and denominator and draws that as a fraction.

Creative images using leaves by 3rd graders

3rd grade children are studying about leaves and its uses. They collected different types of leaves and made different types of images like rat, butterfly, penguin, Ganesha and elephant.

It was interesting to see children come up with their own ideas. Children shared the leaves that they have collected among themselves. After completing it they wanted to fill the remaining space so they collected some flowers and decorated it and some of them drew grass around the paper.

At the end of the class they shared their work to their friends and displayed it in their classroom. 4th grade children also came and saw their work and the 3rd graders were proud of their work.

Peer learning


During the activity session children were learning from their elder children. That was quiet interesting for me. Elder children are voluntarily offering to younger children that is i can help you on this project and i can help you on this subject like that. Children are reflecting from their stand. I could see children are using stewardship tool with them. Elder children are creating an opportunity for their younger children. I see this  for their growth and for others growth also. Volunteer also making projects using Arduino. Below the picture will tell you about the peer learning.

Fraction with discrete form and scratch program


  1. Grouping
  2. Sharing
  3. Discrete

In grouping method the number of objects are grouped into different containers in equal portions

Example: I have 15 cakes and want to give it to 5 people equally.

In sharing method I know the number of people I want to give I need to find out how many to give to each person.

Example: I have 15 cakes if a person gets 3 cakes, to how many people can I give?

In Discrete method, the user has a specified quantity of chips only.

As seen here, the arrangement of chips are in a 8 cross 5 with a total of 40 chips.

Let us consider 4/5 + 5/8

Then he would flip the appropriate chips like the following:

Here the child sees that there are out of 5 chips in one row four are blue and there are eight rows which sums up to 32. On the other hand there are five blue chips for one row and there are five rows which gives 25 now if we add all the blue we get 57.

link to project:


Multiplication and Division stories

The 6th graders at Isaiambalam school were working on converting a multiplication story to two relevant division stories. They had initially done it with random objects. Then 7th graders stepped in and took it a little further involving physics with speed distance and time. They followed the following model to tell the stories:

link:  Multiplication_2 Division

2nd Children Created On Their Own Pattern


I taught pattern to 2nd grade children. I used material for that. Children understood the concept of the pattern and I showed them cloth pattern. I asked them to color the worksheet and they did it on their own. They explained the pattern with their friends. Children very excited to continue the pattern and I asked children to create your own pattern. They made color pattern and shape pattern. Children did very nicely. I was impressed. Children did that well.

Here is the images for children pattern.






Research at STEMLand

As STEMland is a research organization, we want to research our teaching methods and technique (Please look at the purpose of our organization). We are doing research on the following topics at STEMLand.

  1. Deep learning of Mathematics through engaging with life and interdisciplinary work (Arun and Logeshwari)
  2. Effective learning environments by utilization of LIAP (Leadership In Action Programs) in
    STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) Education (Sundar)
  3. Factors and interventions influencing student’s attitude towards mathematics (Poovizhi and Pratap)

We were supported by SAIIER to do these projects.