Tech Session With Udavi School Teachers

~ Poovizhi, Sri Bhavani

On 08/04/2023 We organised a technical session for the teachers in Udavi school from C3STREAM land. In this session, we offered our learnings to teachers be aware of cookies, application permissions, agreements and terms and conditions.

The session was handled by Sanjeev. He began the session by screening the popular documentary “The Social Dilemma,” which highlights the dangers of social media and the impact it can have on our lives. The documentary served as an eye-opener for many of the teachers, who were unaware of the extent to which their personal data is being collected and used by tech companies.

Participants were able to understand the situation of how much children were addicted to mobile phone usage. How it affects their emotions.

In Social media platforms, we always get feeds based how we likes and dislikes. No one is monitoring each person to provide such things. It was done by AI algorithm do it. The feeds were customised for each person based what they search and see.

Notifications: Turn off notifications of applications. When people get notifications, at that moment they get diverted to notification message. Anyways we see our mobile phones many times in a day. Turn off notifications of some app may help us to reduce the distraction.

Ethical and un-ethical business:

Ellipsis: Ellipsis are three dots you can see in some social media while other person is typing a message. It makes us to keep wait for the message until we receive. It also takes our time to be keep waiting for what will be the reply. In some applications, there will be option to turn of this.

Password: Never Save your passwords online. There is always risk of losing your password when you are saving it online. When people need to save their sensitive information like password, they can use keyPass tree application to save their passwords safe in offline also.

Digital wellbeing: In every android phone, there is a inbuilt app called Digital wellbeing. In this application, user can set the timer to use mobile phone for a particular time period and also user can set timer for usage of each application in your mobile phone. It will be useful for the parents who wants to control their children phone usage. After the usage of that particular time, application will lock automatically.

The session was well-organized, and the teachers were appreciative of the valuable information they received. They left with a better understanding of the importance of data privacy and online security and Conveyed their gratitude for their learnings.

Insights from the Participants:

Insight 1: I am able notice that I don’t have the control over the mobile phone usage.

Insight 2: I am able notice I am being monitored based on likes and dislikes, feeds were customised based on my likes. This session helped me to be aware of how I am using phones.

Insight 3: Creating these kinds of applications affecting the people who don’t know about these AI algorithms. They simply using these applications, get addicted to it. It leads to loss of their life sometimes.

Sri Bhavani:

From the session, I learned about ellipsis, keypass application to save passwords safely and Digital wellbeing app in mobile phone. I am to be aware of how I am using the technologies.

Vipassana experience and insights

~ Ajay, Arunkumar, Dinesh, Rajesh, Sivaguru Prasath

Vipassana experience and insights

We practiced 5 precepts in Sila

  1. to abstain from killing any being.
  2. to abstain from stealing.
  3. to abstain from all sexual activity.
  4. to abstain from telling lies.
  5. to abstain from all intoxicants.

These avoided any strong negative mental volition.

We then practiced Samadhi which is Mastery of mind/ Concentration of mind using breath.

Then we practiced about Panna(Wisdom) – which eradicates the defilements from mind through observations of sensations without reacting.

Metta bhavana – a meditation which I shared my merits to all the beings to be happy and be kind.

Here are our reflections from the same:


I found that the initial days of practicing Vipassana meditation were quite physically challenging, but over time I began to feel that my mind became more active and my body felt lighter. After attending the meditation, I felt a sense of lightness and happiness. This practice helped me gain insight into myself.

Arun kumar:

Vipassana is a cause and effect meditation technique, I learned that the peace comes from within is more enjoyable than the transient excitement and happiness. The focus on the sensations helped me to grasp that everything in life is temporary and it will change, nowadays my emotions have been controlled and I am responding to the situations rather then reacting to them.

I noticed the following changes in me at Vipassana and after being back:

  1. Calmness in mind
  2. Less anger
  3. Increase in concentration
  4. Lesser impatience
  5. Taking responsibility for happenings around me


My reflection about Vipassana was accept the reality as it is, don’t stress myself at any cause. Before Vipassana I got distracted easily and less focused but after Vipassana I am able to notice that If I got distracted I accepted it ,I wouldn’t regret it and then immediately got back to work rather than going into guilt and doing nothing. With Ana panna (breathing technique) I am able to focus on my breathe for longer time and got focused mind even though my mind got distracted. Previously, I gave more importance to my feelings and started to react but now with my equanimous mind I started to observe my feelings rather than reacting to it.


I have noticed that I have gained control over my wandering mind. Through Vipassana meditation, I have learned to stay present and accept things as they are, rather than how I want them to be.

Previously, I used to react immediately to situations based on my emotions, which would lead to long-lasting regret and negativity. However, by practicing Vipassana meditation, I have learned to be aware of the sensations that arise within me . I no longer create cravings or aversions towards any sensations, which has helped me avoid reacting to unpleasant situations.

As a result of my practice, I have also developed feelings of goodwill towards all living beings, including humans and animals. While I continue to practice daily to fully eliminate any remaining roots of aversion, I am grateful for the progress I have made towards liberation.

Sivaguru prasath

Learning the vipassana meditation is such a divine experience, I felt the sensations of my own body and also learned how determined I am.

To practice this technique, I prepared myself mentally and observed my sensations without reacting to it.

Being equanimous the best part I have practiced in this 10-day vipassana course without reacting to any impermanent reactions with craving or aversion.

-Pagoda cell

Vipassana in Swarna Bhoomi

We learned why the Pagoda structures are there at Vipassana centers in honor or Swarna Bhoomi (Burma/ Myanmar) where it is believed Vipassana was retained in its pristine purity.

It is said that King Ashoka who was called as Chand (Cruel) Ashoka and he was very proud of this name and about the killing the rulers and extending his reign across the country. When he came in contact with Vipassana and practiced it he was transformed. He realized his mistakes and changed after that, he insisted his sena members to learn this technique to master the mind and he then sent them to make Vipassana reach worldwide.

The two monks “Sona and Uttara” went to Swarna Bhoomi (Burma) to share this technique to Burmese people they kept the technique to its utmost purity, after 25 centuries the ancient technique to master the mind reached its origin (India).

A talk on climate change by various Forest researchers:

– Pratap

Unending education is an important principle for Auroville and C3SLD, as part of my learning and engagement I participated in a talk on “Reimagining our future: communities confronting the realities of climate change” organized by forest researchers.

In this panel, experts and practitioners discussed the various ways in which climate change is affecting their respective regions and what measures they are taking to address it through community action. They shared insights on how communities can work together to develop innovative solutions to climate-related challenges, such as building sustainable infrastructure, promoting renewable energy, protecting biodiversity, and reducing waste.

One inspiring example is Auroville, an international city in southern India that aims to be a sustainable and self-sufficient community. Deepti, a volunteer from Auroville, shared examples of sustainable practices and innovations that the city has implemented. She also discussed the challenges and opportunities involved in building a sustainable community, highlighting the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing.

The phrase “Reimagining our future: communities confronting the realities of climate change” emphasizes the need for us to rethink our relationship with nature and prioritize the health of the planet over short-term economic gains.

Communities play a crucial role in confronting the realities of climate change, as they often have unique knowledge and resources to address the impacts. By working together and sharing knowledge, we can create a more sustainable, just, and resilient world that can withstand the challenges of climate change and ensure a liveable future for generations to come.

Attending the talk on “Reimagining our Future: communities confronting the Realities of climate change” was truly inspiring and an eye-opening experience for me.  This exposure provided a platform for me to share my experiences and perspectives on how communities can confront the realities of climate change and work towards a more sustainable future. I was able to connect myself with Auroville as an international city approaching issues related to ecology and climate change, and the sustainable practices and innovations that they have implemented.

I also got inspired by working together and sharing knowledge, communities can develop innovative solutions to climate-related challenges and promote sustainable practices in all aspects of life. Attending talks like these motivates me to learn more and see the connections between our work and the issues faced by the world at large and work towards more sustainability.

One year journey in STEMland

My name is Dharani. I deeply care about perseverance and equity for myself and others. It has been a year of learning in STEM this has been a shift from the management training that I was going through before I came here. Learning in STEM can be challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding in this blog I share my journey.

I joined STEMland as a volunteer and later joined the working team. I learned scratch programming, GeoGebra, puzzles, and games. Then I started working on codifying STEMland. Now I m part of an exciting online mentorship program Mathegramming Academy.

I was introduced to the Radical Transformational program by STEMland for the first time.  I had positive experiences with learning Radical Transformational Leadership (RTL) and filling out a CFSR. I have become more time-conscious, which is an essential skill in STEM and in life in general. It underwent significant personal growth and transformation through learning and practicing RTL. The principles of RTL, such as believing in the dignity and worth of all people, embodying a mindset of abundance and sufficiency, and practicing a commitment to integrity and authenticity, had a profound impact on me and the organization. By learning to fill out a CFSR and becoming more time conscious, I have developed valuable skills that help me succeed in STEM. I continue to embrace the principles of RTL in my personal and professional life.

STEM developed many skills like Critical thinking, Creativity, Perseverance, and Collaboration in me.

One of the most important qualities that I have incorporated into my life during my journey in STEMland is perseverance. STEM is a challenging field, and there are inevitably times when I encounter obstacles or setbacks. However, by persevering through these challenges, I developed resilience and grit that serves well in all aspects of my life.

Another quality that I have developed during your STEM journey is critical thinking and asking questions. In STEM, it is essential to be able to analyze complex problems and come up with innovative solutions. By developing critical thinking skills, I’m equipped to tackle challenges and find creative ways to solve them.

Finally, my journey in STEMland has likely taught me the value of collaboration and teamwork. STEM is a highly collaborative field, and many of the most significant breakthroughs in science and technology are the result of teams of people working together. By learning to work effectively with others, I learned to achieve my goals and make a positive impact in the world.

I learned time management and I notice my integrity being held throughout my endeavors. I got opportunities to learn more about Auroville and take part in meditations. I learned many things through peer learning and helped myself with the insights from fellow mates to groom better. I learned to take feedback for growth.

Overall, my one-year journey in STEMland was full of exciting opportunities and valuable experiences. I learned that staying committed to learning is the way to achieve the goals in STEM and I continue exploring.

A session on Data Privacy by Sanjeev

My name is Dharani. I care for perseverance and equity for myself and others. This blog is a reflection on attending a session on Data privacy.

On 8th April 2023, C3streamland organized a session on Data privacy for the teachers of Udavi School and STEMland. Dr. Sanjeev Ranganathan briefed us on data privacy and some of the ways by which our personal data can be protected. As we teachers handle children, we must be aware of ourselves and educate children.

The session started with the movie The Social Dilemma. It is a documentary that explores the unintended and at times designed aspects of social media and its impact on society. It highlights the ways in which social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube use algorithms and data mining to keep users engaged and addicted, while also nudging their behaviour and opinions.

The film features interviews with several former executives and engineers from major social media companies who discuss the ethical concerns they have about the industry. They explain how the business models of these platforms rely on collecting vast amounts of personal data from users and using it to create highly targeted advertising, which can reinforce user’s existing beliefs and create echo chambers.

The film also addresses the psychological effects of social media, such as increased rates of anxiety, depression, and social isolation, as well as its impact on political polarization and the spread of misinformation.

Overall, this raises important questions about the role of social media in our lives and the need for greater regulation and accountability in the tech industry.

Sanjeev discussed the applications of Artificial intelligence and the intended and unintended consequences of technology. He also briefed us on how to transcend it by self-awareness.

He also enlightened us on the policies on data protection and the strong need to have data protection policies. Data protection safeguards sensitive data against loss, manipulation, and misuse. The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India established the right to privacy as a fundamental right under Article 21 of the Constitution of India as part of the right to life and personal liberty.

As a part of self-awareness, a few smart ways to have personal data protected by ourselves were discussed. Some of them are noticing our engagement with phones by turning on the digital well-being in the smartphones, turning off unwanted notifications, not just randomly accepting without even going through the privacy policies, cookies management, and software to protect passwords.

Overall, the session was enlightening and an eye-opener for us. Many of us shared insights and wanted to have a few more sessions on data privacy protection.

C3STREAM Router Setup

At C3STREAM Land, Karan who we know through the weekend Vipassana sit heard about our network issues and took the responsibility of clean up and setting up a 1Gb switch. As we are also a place of learning and growth, I took on the responsibility of managing the switch and router after the initial setup and Karan taught me how to manage and configure the switch and router.

Karan took the time to explain everything to me step-by-step on Sundays, from assigning IPs and splitting them to each port, to organizing the routing of the Ethernet cables and labeling them for easy reference. He patiently guided me through the process, ensuring that I understood each concept before moving on to the next.

I learned to assign IPs and split them to each port. I also organized the routing of the Ethernet cables and labeled them for easy reference. I also learned to check for updates and install them on the router. We soon had an issue where I needed to do this and I was able to get us up and running quickly.

I also learned that managing the network is not only about technical skills and I communicated any issues or concerns with Karan and the team, and the internet provider. I learned a lot about myself during this process, including my ability to take action, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively with others.

I was grateful for the opportunity to learn from Karan and acknowledge his patience, and I found that I enjoyed working on this project. Through this experience, I developed a greater understanding of network infrastructure and gained valuable skills in organization, planning and coordination that I will use in other areas of work in C3STREAM Land.

STEM Poster presentation at International Commission on Mathematical Instruction conference

The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) symposium is a major international conference that brings together mathematicians, mathematics educators, and researchers from around the world to discuss current issues and challenges in mathematics education. The symposium is held every four years and features a range of presentations, workshops, and discussions on topics such as mathematics curriculum development, teacher education, assessment, and the use of technology in mathematics teaching and learning. The ICMI symposium provides a forum for sharing ideas, research findings, and best practices in mathematics education, and plays an important role in shaping the future direction of mathematics education worldwide.

 Pratap Ganesan, Saranya Bharathi, Muralidharan Aswathaman, and Vasantharaj Gandhi presented a poster presentation on how the Isai Ambalam School in India used cultural celebrations and festivals to promote universal values and environmental consciousness among its students. The research methodology employed the theoretical framework of interrupting disempowering ISMs (rigid and disempowering mindsets) and the wisdom profile that embodies universal values to address all ISMs simultaneously. The philosophy underlying the C3STREAM Land is based on the progressive and constructivist thinkers such as Bruner, Papert, and Sri Aurobindo, who emphasized self-knowledge and integral development. The interventions discussed in the poster include Aadi festival and garden, Maavoli, Christmas decoration and fair, and Pongal, which provided opportunities for students to learn about different topics, such as monsoons, environmentally conscious alternatives, and traditional games, and encouraged higher-order thinking skills. Overall, the poster emphasizes the importance of collective effort beyond silos of subject learning to promote universal values and create empowering narratives through festivals and celebrations.

One of the ways the teachers shifted the culture in their community was by addressing social issues that had previously been ignored. For example, they tackled the notion that only women should do kolam (a traditional Indian art form using rice flour), and encouraged the participation of men as well. This mixed-gender approach during the kolam event was a significant shift in the cultural norm.

As part of their project, the teachers organized a vegetable gardening competition to further encourage families to grow their own food. The winners of the competition were awarded a variety of vegetables, which could be used to make a nutritious dinner for their families. This initiative was highlighted in the symposium and received positive feedback from the audience.

During the symposium, participants were able to connect with the teachers and provide examples from their own experiences. This allowed for a meaningful exchange of ideas and strategies for addressing socio-ecological issues in different communities around the world.

Reflections from the authors

Attending the conference was a turning point for me as it boosted my confidence to speak about our work with children and helped me understand the significance of contributing to the world and the impact we create. I take pride in my personal growth as I was able to answer the audience’s questions without any assistance. The response was overwhelming, and I am grateful for the opportunity to connect with a diverse audience worldwide. Our approach to breaking down societal barriers and isms with children inspired many, and people expressed their interest in knowing more about our work. I am grateful for the support of Sanjeev Ranganathan, Saranya Bharathi, Muralidharan Aswathaman, and Vasantharaj Gandhi in making this happen. The team spirit and the commitment that you all contribute enriched our work with children and I will use it in my life.

I noticed that being part of this research paper and presenting it to a wider audience around the globe helped me realize the importance of the work we do here. Seeing people appreciate the paper this much indicates that we as a team are addressing the isms and doing things in an alternative method for the betterment of society.

I have learned that I presented well, but I still need more practice. I took extensive notes on Sri Aurobindo’s principles of true education, but only two minutes were allocated for me. As a result, I was only able to convey the essence of the Aadi Massam project and the garden. However, I noticed that I am able to summarize and convey my ideas effectively in a very short amount of time.

Overall, the teachers’ presentation at the international ICIM symposium was a success. They were able to share their innovative approach to shifting culture and addressing social issues, and their work was well received by the audience. The teachers’ dedication to their project and their willingness to try new approaches were admirable and inspiring, and they made a positive impact in their community.

Cleaning Edyanchavady School and Pond along with Let’s Talk Trash group in Auroville

The Let’s Talk Trash group in Auroville is a community of dedicated individuals committed to keeping their surroundings clean and sustainable. They have a routine of collecting waste every Sunday from different areas in and around Auroville. This week, they decided to come to Edyanchavady, and I enrolled the Shifuans, a group of of C3STREAM students, to join them. We met at the government school in Edyanchavady, and a few children from the school also came forward to lend a helping hand. The Let’s Talk Trash group provided proper gloves to each and every one of us, and we started collecting waste from the roadside and inside the school campus. They had different bags for paper, plastic bags, mixed waste, and glass bottles. It was amazing to see how everyone was so enthusiastic about cleaning the area and segregating the waste. After an hour of cleaning, we brought everything back to the school to load it onto the van. We washed our hands, and the Let’s Talk Trash group gave a short explanation of waste segregation and what happens when everything is put together. They explained that it is burned, and how that contributes to pollution and is not an environmentally friendly option. Burning plastic is a harmful practice that releases toxic chemicals into the air, which can cause various health problems. Polluting a pond can have severe consequences on the ecosystem and the living beings that depend on it. The pond is a vital part of the water cycle and serves as a habitat for many aquatic species. One of the major causes of pond pollution is human activity. Dumping waste, garbage, chemicals, washing clothes and other harmful substances into the pond can lead to a host of problems. The waste materials can cause an imbalance in the pond’s natural ecosystem, affecting the oxygen levels and the quality of water. This can lead to the death of aquatic plants and animals, making the pond unfit for other species to survive.

Through cleaning and waste segregation activities, the children learned about the impact of waste on the environment and the importance of preserving it. They also learned about the negative effects of pollution on living beings, including animals and humans. The children and Shifuans learned the importance of taking responsibility for their actions and the impact they have on the environment. They learned about the need to properly dispose of waste and reduce their environmental footprint. Participating in cleaning activities helped the children develop teamwork and collaboration skills. They learned to work together to achieve a common goal and appreciate the importance of each person’s contribution. The children also learned about the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment for their own health and safety. They learned about the proper use of protective equipment, such as gloves and masks, to protect themselves while cleaning. Overall, participating in cleaning and waste segregation activities helped the children develop a sense of responsibility and environmental awareness, while also building important life skills such as collaboration and problem-solving. These learning outcomes can help them become more conscious and responsible citizens of the world committed to preserving and protecting the environment. It was a great learning experience for everyone, especially the children. They realized the importance of keeping their surroundings clean and how to segregate waste properly. It was heartening to see​how everyone came together to make a difference in their community. We hope to continue to work with the Let’s Talk Trash group in the future to keep our community

Insights: ” It gave me a sense of purpose and inspired me to be more mindful of my plastic usage. It also gave me satisfaction knowing that I contributed to our environment”

Radical transformation leadership program for B.VOC team and Family members 

~ Poovizhi, Durai, Sribhavani

On February 18th, from 8:45 AM to 5:30 PM, C3stemland organized a radical transformation leadership program in Tamil at Auroville SAIIER conference hall. It was a one day program in Tamil, facilitated by Srilatha Juva, Professor at TISS. B.VOC students and teachers, SAIIER staffs, employees, volunteers and their family members were invited for the program.

Radical transformation leadership is an approach developed by Dr. Monica Sharma, who worked for the United Nations for 22 years as director of Leadership and Capacity Development. It is based on universal values of dignity, compassion, fairness, and equity. It enables people to shift from ego-systems thinking (what benefits me) to eco-systems thinking (what benefits all)

The primary objective of the program was to help participants identify their stand,fear, four profiles and gain a deeper understanding of their background conversations, system principles, and design from universal values. By participating in these sessions, participants were able to develop a new project that addressed their problem statement, focusing on self-growth or social issues, and using their potential to bring about positive change in themselves and their communities.

Around 55 people took part of the program. Throughout the program, participants collaborated with their partners, shared their reflections and insights, and engaged in a collective effort to create a better future.

The program was an interactive session with everyone and involved practicing the tools such as:

  • Introducing oneself with what one deeply cares about or universal values that reflects one’s purpose and vision
  • Identifying one’s own profile based on four dimensions: wisdom, social, personality, and professional
  • Understanding one’s own background conversations within the family and how they influence one’s actions and choices
  • Deriving system principles  based on universal values
  • Designing projects based on universal values and system principles, noticing system and cultural norms, and shifting them by being in action

Throughout the session, everyone engaged with their partners and shared their reflections and insights on plenary.

Some of the insights from participants during the session were:

  • I realized that I have been limiting myself by my own beliefs and fears
  • I learned how to communicate effectively with others without being judgmental or defensive
  • I discovered my passion for environmental sustainability and how I can contribute to it through my project
  • I felt more confident and empowered to take action for my goals


Organizing the program was an opportunity for me to stretch beyond my comfort zone and be in rigor. At the end of the session, I felt whole and fulfilled. I was able to ask for support from my team. I was able to notice my fear, my background conversations and that I judge myself  when I shared my personal example with everyone specially because most of the participants were from local area and were people I or my family members know. I was able to name my fear and be in my universal values and share.


I was inspired by the participant through their insights. I saw this as an opportunity to remind myself to notice my fears and let them go by acting from my universal values. I was able to notice, what can I do differently and able to discern others perspective of thinking.

Usage of Vipassana at work by Youth in the Modeling Team

~ Sanjay, Sundaresan, Vasanth

I work with two Youth, VasanthaRaj and Sundar as part of the modelling and MSV team for C3StreamLand/AuraSemi. All the youth here have been introduced to Vipassana meditation. While the  high standards set by GoenkaJi for daily Vipassana practice (2 hrs/day. These are not met even by most seasoned household meditators and in many cases even Dhamma workers at the centers) may not be maintained by the youth, I notice that they do practice of their own volition from time to time.

I notice both Sundar and Vasanth sit upright, back and neck straight on their chairs, eyes closed, palms on thighs and meditating. This post is about this practice of theirs in the form of a Q&A

Q: I notice that the two of you meditate on the chair at work now and then. How often do you do it?

Ans. About once or twice daily?

Q: How long do you do it?

Ans. 2-3 minutes each time

Q: Why do you do it?

Ans. To Bring back our attention to work. When we notice that our mind is not on work

Q: What causes you to have difficulty in attending to work?

Ans. The normal mental wear and tear of the day

Q. Does the 2-3 hour of meditation work in bringing back your attention to work?

Vasanth: Yes, the Concentration does come back 60% of the time with just 2-3 minutes

Sundar: For me, with 2-3 minutes, the concentration comes back 90% of the time

Q. Have you tried longer duration, say 5 minutes?

Vasanth: Yes, if I am completely de-energized, I sit for 10 minutes. This is rare. I did not test how often this works

Sundar: I sit only 2-3 minutes at a time, but if I find it not enough, I go for another 2-3 minutes. I don’t have an estimate for how often the next attempt works or how often I need to sit a second time.

Q. Do you use a stop watch for setting the time?

Ans. No, we just sit for as long as is comfortable. We estimate it is around 2-3 minutes, but not more than 5 minutes.

Q. Any concluding comments?

Vasanth: Practicing Anapanna for a few minutes throughout the day helps me to regain my concentration when my mind is wandering. It also improves my work efficiency.

Sundar: Practicing Anapana helps me regain my concentration when my mind is scattered. However, it can be difficult to maintain focus on the breath, as my mind tends to get distracted by my thoughts.